Monday, February 1, 2010

Harassment By People In Wenatchee

I should write out all the people who have threatened me that I would end up like JFK or Marilyn Monroe, in this town.

I might also want to list which police officers I've noticed are corrupt and which ones have harrassed me or handed me razors at a courthouse.

I also feel most of this originated from what I had to go through, maybe with a certain religious group. When I think back to who has been involved, it starts putting things into perspective.. It's not everyone, of course not, but behind a lot of this, it seems to be partly motivated by religion.

Others have tried to involve people who are into gangs or government positions, but when I try to find where this began or what it keeps going back to, I find the same things.

I have a much broader perspective. My eyes are opened more now, and I don't just think it's one person or another or that it's just certain people who don't like me. It's a lot more people now, who are pissed or dislike me for their own reasons. But this had an origin, at least, for my life and with what's happened with my son and I think some of it has been pushed and encouraged by some religious groups who were upset. Then, my getting interested in Diana didn't really help, on some fronts.

When I think about how so many have been connected to eachother, and who was connected to what, I start to figure things out more. I have a lot of military connections and government stuff, but there is more to that. I really do not blame regular people in general, for not knowing and not understanding or being misinformed. I get pissed off, but I cannot blame most people who really have no idea.

Anyway, I have to talk to Will too. The other night when I was in the waiting room, and the guy with the Gonzaga shirt was sitting there, he sat there without having anyone go in and being treated and then these people came in who were wearing glasses like Will is wearing in his facebook profile. The Gonzaga guy thought it was hilarious and left with them. All of a sudden, since I found his facebook page, I have had people come up to me or get into my space who are wearing these glasses, almost all of them. One guy brought his own kids in, wearing them. It was like people looked up Will's profile and all decided to wear glasses and come around me and joke about it.

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