Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Image Of Woman Leading Sheep

I just had an image I have to write down before I forget. I don't know if I saw a painting or photo someone has or if this was a different kind of scene, but I thought it was me. However, if it is a painting or photo, I may have assumed this.

I saw a woman leading a multitude of sheep.

She was carrying an old fashioned lantern in her right hand and I saw her from the back. The lantern was lit but it was daylight, and there was a meadow with a very narrow stream of water to her right and the sheep were on the left and the right and they were all going in her direction and she was like their shepherdess.

She wore a long simple dress and had nothing in her other hand. Just the lantern in her right hand and I could see it from the back, I was behind but it was like the woman was me.

This is one of the nicer images I've had in a long time. It's the second time, in my entire life, I've had an image or dream about dream where I was involved.

The hills were sort of rolling, and she was in the frame more to the left, stream in the middle and then sheep all over the place, all following her.

The lantern was sort of octagonal at the top or squarish, with a handle at the top. I think it was brass or colored this color but I really don't know about the color for sure. I wish I could describe the lantern better. It was metal of some kind, and delicate but sturdy and old fashioned. It was like your tradional lantern, even camping lantern, but it wasn't green, it was solid metal and like I said, maybe bronze colored or brass or copper. It had a lot of glass around the body. Basic lamp.

Her dress I couldn't see any detail, but it was just very light and simple, and fell to the ground or to her ankles but I couldn't catch what the back or sleeves were like. I mainly noticed it was a dress, it was a woman, and she carried a lamp. Even during the day. And then I thought it was me but I think the hair was shorter and curled but I didn't notice the hair really, just got this scene but it's hard to explain. It was strawberry blond hair though, lighter, which is maybe why I thought it was me.

That was the feeling I had. But I don't know why I saw it from the back, like I was looking at myself. But I guess I've had dreams and images of myself in the past before.

It was sort of like looking at a painting or photo, and I don't know which it was, of this. I got the image and then snapped to attention and stopped the process from continuing because I wanted to write it down before I forgot.

There was a very wide open spacious sky.

I thought about it...maybe someone projected something to me. I don't know. But I don't know that many scenes from the back like that. The other thing is that I don't think it is heaven, I think it was for here and now, a metaphorical image or message of some kind.

And now promptly throw me into the pit with my coat of many colors! I think this is what got the naive Joseph in trouble, talking about the favor he had with his father and the dreams he had where other people worshiped him. Knelt down, whatever.

Well believe me, no one was worshipping. Or kneeling.

Maybe it was just for me, to take strength and I also want to look this idea up and see what it leads to in my research a woman with a lamp that shines all day and night.

Oh, and the sheep were not following as in all behind her, they were in front of her and to the side and all around but they were all going in the same direction. I saw it from the back and they were all going straight forward. It was a good impression, the feeling I had with it. It wasn't triumphant nor was it sad, it was more like a journey or an exodus or a way or something.

The only other time in my life I saw sheep, was not in an image but in a dream that I couldn't shake but it was a very long time ago, and sheep were very sick and straggling to get over a fence and they were tired, and injured, and just very, very, ill. They were almost starving too and then the fieldsman and the shepherds were barking at them and there were even women and they looked nice but then they turned into snarling cruel women who were just abusing the sheep and trying to get them over the fence. And sheep were dying and one looked at me with these terrible eyes and I woke up. That was in 1997 I think. I told my pastor at my church about it after telling my youth pastor because it was so vivid and I didn't know what it meant. They said they thought they knew, but no one ever told me. I never really knew for sure myself.

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