Saturday, February 13, 2010

images (panetta)

I wanted to write that I saw a woman's face I didn't know, in an image the other day, before sleep, and she was brunette and it was a profile. I don't know who she was and had no idea about any connection. She had shorter or medium length straight hair but I only saw her profile.

I also had the idea, "She knows they're dirty" or "She knows we're dirty." Something like that in an impression but it was while thinking of something else.

I looked up China and earthquake because I felt there was some earthquake pending and thought it was in China but I haven't seen anything. I did find the next day after I thought this, Tonga had a 6.3 earthquake in the "ring of fire" or what is called "The Ring of Fire". I guess this is the name of a small circle of islands that are connected.

I don't know why China came to mind though. We'll see. Maybe nothing and maybe I was wrong.

I had some idea about a tornado but I don't believe it's tornado season anywhere at all and I haven't tried looking that up. I figured that was more imagination.
There was something else but I can't think right now, what exactly.

I just looked that up and I guess there was a rare tornado in Indiana, just yesterday:

I had tornado come to mind when I was asking about earthquakes, but I dismissed it, thinking it's not possible this time of year.

I tried looking things up about Indiana because I got that word when looking at the CIA director's photo but I didn't know why. I thought maybe something to do with him and then when finding out so much seemed to match Bill Clinton I wondered if it had to do with Bill and Indiana but I couldn't find anything.

I might try to focus on that directors photo again and see what I get this next time. Who knows what might come up.
something about breadbasket just came to mind, for no reason. I feel like it might be a good time to try for images. I have been shopping for a good webcam streaming service and am getting closer, but want to make a good choice so I'm not there yet. Might take a break to do this.

I tried for images but I didn't feel like it was right. I think I was getting something from someone or a couple of people maybe, but I tried doing the thing where I just stared at this Leon Panetta photo and tried to see what came to mind without putting my own imagination into it. I don't know if I got part of things thought about at the CIA, or related to his life, or someone else's life entirely which I just picked up on. It's hard when I can't confirm and when it's not coming to me naturally, without trying. I like the impressions I get which are more remote viewing best. But I'll write these down, because I'm willing to be wrong. He looks like a nice man and it's a good photo, and he looks Italian, but I didn't want any of my own ideas to interfere. However, last time I stared at his photo I got things which matched up with Bill Clinton, who later went to the hospital or was there at that time.

This was hours ago but I didn't write it right away, because I felt it was all over the place and I questioned writing anything down at all.

Okay, the first thing was "Master of the Universe" (from He-man, as a nickname). Then something about organized crime don't know what. Then, pant-EL-leeAHN and I guess a reverse combination of his first and last name. "Chip off the old block". Cruelty against women and children (maybe topic). crudite, ergo, despauche, San Diego, Horn, adiron, tabby cat, barushka, The Messiah, canoe, Cape Cod, yardstick, basketball. Thought I saw the wife with hands together, flat, spreading something out to both sides, didn't know if it was sealing an envelope, pressing something, or baking but hands together flat, palms down and then spreading or smoothing out. Also, image of panetta with arms going in large circles maybe in a gym or some kind of excersize, in a bright yellow tee shirt. Aphrodite and then Mighty Mighty Aphrodite and didn't know what, wondered about the Woody Allen movie. bunny slopes. movie "Deliverance". Oak or oak appearing umbrella holder, or something standing upright, with many holes, or something rectangular with holes for putting objects into it from the top down. Clearish glass triange with etching or engraving, some award or paperweight, on a desk I think. pomeranian? Penny dropped into a clear glass of water, penny for your thoughts. (I saw this ring on some other man but I don't know why it came up when I was thinking abuot this--gold ring with flat black surface and one small diamond in the middle). Something about Aushwitz. Grenadine. A woman has rose glycerin soap, in bars. Some young woman (maybe not connected to panetta at all or maybe works for him or outside of his own life's sphere, or a young wife? don't know, maybe for someone else entirely)...some young woman in 20s to 30s but looking younger, with a purple silk or satin short nightshirt or nightie with a lot of blace lace trim, around the top and at the bottom, long curly dark brown hair, almost black. A few other details don't want to write down at this point. Cinnamon. "buddha, buddha, barracuda". A phrase of "bilking billions". Chrystler-Daimler.

So that was it, and I probably got it all for someone else. I don't know. If I'm looking at the photo in an intuitive sense, he looks like a conservative family man type. So I really do think I could have been looking at the photo but getting some impression for someone else. I didn't see him "with" the woman, she was just someone who came to mind in that attire. The only impressions of visuals was maybe the spreading out of something flat and arms in circles at a gym or something. sometimes I'm very right on, but it's usually if it comes to ME, not if I seek it out. But I'm trying to practice the idea of "cold reading".

I thought I'd put it out there.

I got the idea, on my own, no psychic impression, that a lot of the CIA people have affairs. Doesn't mean everyone, and there are definitely some loyalists, but I just get the idea everyone is sleeping around with everyone else. I think of others who work there and it would never cross their minds, but I think it's common, in the intelligence, military,and law enforcement fields. In general. I would think sometimes priorities get mixed up when this happens, like, putting personal satisfaction ahead of sacrifice, in cheating on someone, can really screw things up, probably affects kids the most, though I'm sure covers have been blown or secrets passed along because of indiscretion as well. Probably too, people betrayed with a kiss all the time. I don't know. I guess there's a balance. Sometimes I think it's the morally right thing to have personal satisfaction because that will be in the best interest of happiness, but I guess it depends on the job you have or want but sometimes it's for noble reasons and maybe other times, people lose a lot by getting involved with people whose standards, morals, or hearts are not in the same place, and that could be even in sacrifices too I suppose, that sometimes the sacrifice feels phony when surrounded by others who put on an act but maybe don't really care.
Anyway, I don't have a good feeling for energy right now. It's heaviness and sad and has been for the last half hour or more but was fine before.

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