Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Interference On Television

I was watching PBS earlier tonight and there were just a couple of minimal problems. I could still hear everything fine. But now, what was happening last night is happening again, where I can't even hear the narrator complete a sentence, the interference is so bad.

This much interference isn't normal unless there is technology nearby, or from what I read, possibly satellites, interferring. This is what will happen with the old non-digital televisions, if there is a conflicting source of technology.

I read up on it and it means either someone is using technology to intercept conversations in a house, or, most often, with this particular kind of interference, it is satellite.

The interference doesn't match any of the FCC or other descriptions, examples, and photos of interference. This is mainly satellite.

I wonder if it's happening to anyone else's PBS channel in the area.
Since the start of this new program, about National Parks, the interference has quit. There's still some interference but not like before and one can hear the dialogue all the way through.

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