Sunday, February 14, 2010

Laugh of the Day

My first laugh of the day...watching the news and this guy, the newsman says, "Up next! The best way to find your soulmate? with your GPS!"

I'm sitting there, on the floor, foregoing a chair, with a plate of toast with strawberry jam, and thinking, "So much for a Valentine's Day dinner" and then this guy comes on and says this and this man and woman come around the corner with their GPS's, and look up like, "Heeeey!"

So that's my problem. I haven't been using a GPS.

At this point, I don't know what's better for making up for lost time? GPS or metal detector?

I thought that was so funny. It just hit me, and I thought, the absurdity. Yeah, if I ever get married I want to see a lot of ridiculous looking hats in the crowd so I can make it through the vows.

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