Tuesday, February 16, 2010

MacKenzie and Gangs Of Wenatchee

I have had some recent comments about how I am supposedly "sick" and "insensitive" to the death of this girl when I'm not, but trying to point some things out.

This town is in total denial and when people here want to mess with others, they want everyone to go along and for the evidence to be concealed. They are faced with something which is not concealed, and then I have a few writing in that I am sick.

Why am I sick? I'm sick for pointing out, long before this happened, that this town is corrupt and gets away with crime all the time? I'm sick for pointing out the gang culture here, which involves children and teens, is not healthy?

What is SICK is the lack of accountability this entire community should be taking, for what has happened and what has BEEN happening, which they turn a blind eye to.

What happened to Mackenzie is not the result of some stalker online. From all of the bits of evidence which have been published already, it points to a symbolic act.

I am not sure what the symbol was, except that I don't believe she was put in the river this way, or next to that house with the angel, without a reason. We don't even have the other details, of how she died or what happened, but it is clearly something arising out of gang activity, which she was involved in, and which parents in this town, have been happy to get their children involved in.

Even old style mobs and mafias never involved children. They had a code of conduct and maybe they still do, but it was that you don't go after kids. What has happened to my son, who is almost 4, who was even younger when his traumas began, is unconscionable. I have never wished for anything bad to happen to anyone else's kids, ever. I have never, ever, done to anyone close to half the things which have been done to us. I do not agree with involving children in brainwashing them or having them give messages either. I don't agree with what happened to Mackenzie or what hapens to any of these kids on a constant basis or what has happened to my son either.

But I feel this should be a wake up call.

To even hear Jerry Moore act shocked and call the perpatrator a "monster" and go on and on, is beyond me. On one hand, these officers can rub their hands together, falsely arrest and jail who they want, traumatize kids, destroy evidence, lie about certain people, and rub it in others' faces, and mock mothers who are desperate to find help for their children, when they know what's going on, and then all of a sudden, there is a "monster" in the community?


It even crosses my mind, that this is over-exaggeration and made up "outrage" and I even question the calling in of FBI as a way to masquerade as though the law enforcement majority even cares. It's almost like the pastor who is engaging in adultry, getting up to the pulpit to give ever increasing lectures on the grave sins of fornication and pulling out other people to give public confessions--Where the extreme reaction is to cover for what is actually going on.

Where is the moral outrage over what goes on everyday in this town?


  1. you ARE sick. you are discrediting a LOT of people you do not even know. i knew mackenzie personally and she was NOT gang-affiliated or being used by her parents to pass notes. the monster who committed this crime did not kill her as a symbol, as you so adamantly assume. assuming something when you know NOTHING of the situation is a very brave and idiotic thing to do. i will be praying for your help psychologically. in the meantime, please stop making assumptions about a dear friend of the community who so unjustly lost her life. she was not sent to watch you or to stalk your every move. and to call this tragedy a wake up call is heartless toward Mackenzie's family. i sincerely hope that you can find it within yourself to stop tainting the deceased's name so negatively and give her family the peace necessary to live their lives during these horrific times. please show some tactful courtesy.

  2. Aly,

    Thank you for your comment. I am sorry for your loss, especially as you were close to her.

    I've pretty much said what I have to say, and I stand by it.

    Thank you for your input.

  3. Cameo get some mental help.

  4. If Wenatchee does have such a terrible gang problem I hope one day you are "accidently" hit in the crossfire of a drive-by. You are a vile, self-serving pig.

  5. you guys should really listen to this...
    even though its not his position to say anything, he is right, the law is fucked
