Monday, February 15, 2010

MacKenzie Cowell (maybe I saw her)

Her face looks different, but I am wondering about this girl, if she's the one who was watching as I was getting oysters at the Albertsons, who I first saw with her friend at the Starbucks next door.

I read what she was wearing when she was abducted and she had the same boots and jeans but with a blue shirt with a scoop neck (maybe B cup with push up bra) and a black wool type of coat with a belt. She was taller, the height was 5'8" or more, but her hair was different than in these photos I've seen. It wasn't just long and one length, the young woman I saw, had shoulder length hair that was layered and had been straightened. If I remember right, it was medium to dark brown with a very slight coppery tint or allover highlight that I didn't notice until she and her friend were under flourescent lights, going out of the store. But maybe that was her friend's hair. One of them was shorter and had hair like this and I can't remember the others' but they were both brunette.

The face looks different to me though and I wouldn't know about braces because I only saw her with her mouth shut. She was texting or using the phone for taking a photo while I was getting the oysters. Her friend was going to the bathroom and came out from the back of the store.
The other things I started thinking about was that on my way to visit my son, along my regular path, I saw a lot of Wendy's smashed french fry cartons as well as Reeses Pieces wrappers everywhere.

One of my housemates who never has her hair done this way, had her hair in two pigtails like pippi longstocking or Wendy. Once, my aunt or uncle put a Wendy's spoon in my son's lunch. I thought any Wendy reference was about me until now, I wonder if it's possible something else, if that was the girl I saw, who took an interest in me and was following me from one store to the next. The scoop shirt was some kind of clingy material with a scoop neck in the front and maybe light shirring or not, and sort of cotton-rayon blend and a turquoise/brighter blue color--sort of a cross between turquoise and cobalt blue. The coat came to mid-butt or slightly lower, but wasn't knee length, and had a belt.

The cell phone was smaller, like a smaller size, not a blackberry and not an AT&T type (forgot what they're called). I can't remember but I think it was a color, not just black, like orange or red or pink or something but I don't remember. I think it was one that was smaller but thicker.

At some point I wondered if someone was using the non-lethal thing because I felt that sensation while in the store but I didn't know where it was coming from. I know that I wondered, when she was standing close to me and then I left, it crossed my mind, but there were others there at the store.

I had gone to pick up the movie "The Cove" at Blockbusters, and then I used the bathroom at the Starbucks and waited for the restroom and this girl came out and then sat with her friend who was waiting for her. Then I went to the Albertsons and I saw them watching me from the Starbucks windows and after I went in, then I saw them again in the store.

The face looks different though, but most of the photos are of her smiling and I didn't see her with an open mouth smile. I would have to see other photos. She was tall and slender.

If it's not her, it's someone else who is the same age, same height and weight, and same boots.
I barely thought of her, before I started thinking maybe this is the same girl, and the name "Matt" came to mind but it could mean nothing. It might be someone who is or was involved in looking for her. I personally do not know any "Matt's" and never have met one, that I can think of. My idea too, was that maybe it was a police officer who did this, if she was trusting the person.
Supposedly, I'm being told "it's not all about you"...Well, in this town, ever since I've been here, I've been the entertainment and harassment highlight and it HAS been about me and my son. And I didn't even know this girl was missing but all of a sudden, on my visit Wednesday, suddenly people including my lawyer and state workers, acted like they were going to help more. But I thought twice, and thought, "Then again, maybe not." I don't know.

What has been happening to my son, for a long time, is no joke, and neither is the gang stuff here, which includes almost everyone I've met, and neither is the corruption with the state workers and justice people. It's extremely intense. After months and months of my son's abuse and nothing being done about it, the thing is, non-lethal forms of harm is difficult to trace. The other thing is that I've been blocked from documenting the harassment and brainwashing and trauma my son has been going through.

I hope that this will be used for good, and that something will happen out of this, to bring about real change.

At any rate, if this girl left the beauty salon and texted her boyfriend, all she wrote was "hey". And then he did the same, at 3:30 p.m. Why just text "hey" and nothing else? It's like maybe he knew where she was going or what she was doing.

Then the signal was found from her phone at around 5:45 p.m. and her car was found there at 6 p.m., where it was found.

My opinion is that she was either meeting up with someone to pass on information or get paid or take something. She maybe gave out information to someone she thought she could trust, who decided to kill her to keep her quiet and then put her next to "squilchuck" which is pronounced "squeal-chuck" over here. Maybe over-imaginative but maybe not, because the way it was done and how she was positioned was meant to be symbolic. If she wasn't passing info to help someone, maybe someone killed her to just send a message of some kind.

I believe she drove to that location on purpose, to meet someone.

When I first thought about what the location was, this image came to my mind, and I found her car's location in a photo and it matched the image that came to my mind. It came to my mind when I was wondering which cell tower her cell bounced off of, and I had the image of sort of the area where my son and I used to live, out on Route 2, torwards Orondo. That cliff area with telephone lines and towers everywhere. But I don't know where squilchuck is really, in the area, or that canyon.
I debated about writing this at all. Because honestly, I DO know how deep the problems are in this area, and I thought, if someone was or is trying to do "justice" when no one else is, and they know about someone who is involved with hurting my son, I thought maybe they were sending a message on my behalf. Because too, all of a sudden my own lawyer who has done nothing for me, and the state workers started backtracking on stuff. When I later found out about the missing girl I wondered if they knew I had something to do with it somehow (even if I didn't know) and they were hoping to "appease the gods".

The thing is, I HAVE asked for help, from FBI and others, OVER and OVER and OVER and NOTHING has been done. I know people in government are partially involved, because what my son has had to suffer through, is unbelievable. The police here, not all maybe, but a lot of them hate me and the majority of people here want me to not be able to work, and not have my son. But I have believed a few are just intimidated.

Non-lethal weapons ARE used, frequently, in this area, and yet the law enforcement either goes along with it or ignores it, and allows damage to be done to a little boy. Now, for once, there is a visible show of what this area is really about, and while I'm sorry for the family, I'm almost glad that finally something has surfaced, which will put more credibility in what I say.

I believe some of the people writing in want to say "it's not about you" because they know it WAS partly about me. I also don't trust that the comment about "you're lucky your son is still alive" isn't a threat. It might be that it's just a comment about how I should feel fortunate, but maybe not.

If she was trying to help me and my son, that might be another possibility, but the sad thing is, I almost don't even want to write as much as I know, because it seems to me, that the law enforcement here is worthless and so is the Washington state FBI, at least they have been with regard to my son and refusing to protect him.

Like it or not, for whatever reason, my son and I are a big deal to a lot of people. I've pissed off a lot of people, and then others just go along with the regular town activities here. What I've said is true--people have access to a lot of military and medical equipment for causing non-lethal pain, and they use intimidation here and my son has had other marks on his body as well. It is also true that many of the police are corrupt, and it's a laugh that they're now acting so "shocked" and stunned. Why? because for once, it's in your face? For ONCE, it's not crime that done in secret bribes and secret torture, but can be seen to all and cannot be denied or ignored?

So they call in the FBI to catch "the monster" when this town is FULL of monsters. This state is, and you know, from the kind of ads and crap I get online, it's obviously everywhere. I wasn't always safe in D.C. either.

I said I want protection for my son, and I am not, and was not, joking. What has happened already, is the fault of persons in government who are too corrupt to do their job.

How ironic, absolutely ironic, that if this is the same girl, the last time I ever saw her was while checking out the movie "The Cove".

Watch it sometime.

When I said we need peacekeeping troops here and a lot of people to come in and take over, and do massive investigations, I was not kidding. Instead of treating me like crap and trying to derail me from getting my son or being happy to hate me, the FBI in Seattle and locally and others from out of the area, should be working together to take this seriously and make this a better place for all children.

Mackenzie was involved with the same thing all the others are involved in, and she got caught in the "cross-fire" so to speak. But people have to recognize this is really happening, with even the teesn and kids, before anything can be done about it.

I know some have attacked my son ruthlessly. Who they all are, I don't know. I don't know if she was trying to help and was punished for it or if she was part of some group that was just trying to hurt me and my son. It was strange she was following us and it looked like she was very intent on whether I got the oysters or not and may have taken a photo. I questioned other things she did too, but I can't tell who is who in this town, and half of my problem is that I don't agree with any of it, but I don't know who the worst enemy is, that's doing the most harm to me and my son.

But I hope that this girls death will maybe, maybe, be a turning point for this town, and for getting other people involved in a serious and intensive way.

To me, the biggest thing, is that this has drawn a dark corner out of the dark and into the light. Something very evil that has gone on so long unaccounted for and undetected, is showing a sign or two of surfacing.


  1. Cameo, out of respect for those of us that are grieving, please, take this down. It is incredibly insensitive.

  2. Dear Anonymous,

    It may sound insensitive because after seeing the kind of blind eye turned to abuse and corruption in this town, I have no more tears to cry, not even over my own son. So if it seems insensitive it may be, but it is an accurate description of serious problems with this system, which, had they been resolved, could have prevented not only this girl's death, but the deaths and abuses of others.

    I am, truly, not glad this happened. I AM sorry about it or I wouldn't have spent time asking if I might get any insights into this case.

    But what is shocking to me, is that anyone is even shocked by this. People get away with heinous crimes here, and when one thing is evidenct, it is supposed to be a suprise.

    I do believe I saw this woman. The only problem is that I''m not sure about the face. But I believe this is the woman who I saw the other night and I feel it's relevant. If it wasn't her, it was someone who fit the description, except I don't know what was going on.

    If this is the same woman, I BLOGGED about her that same night, and I feel some of this information is relevant.

    Why wouldn't the family want to have any information possible, out about their daughter.

    I'm sorry if I fail to understand what is "insensitive" or not anymore.

    I have considered going on anxiety medication to control my own distress and problems over having to witness and suffer, seeing my own son suffer and nothing being done about it.

  3. Dear Anonymous II,

    I have had a LOT of people in Wenatchee tell me to "give it to the Lord" and ask me, "Have you surrendured it to God?" and made comments about how losing my son, to liars and corrupt persons, and crime, how THIS is the "Will of God" and if it is, how will I "accept" this.

    I told my friend last night that I do NOT accept that this is the "Will of God". No more than it was the "will of God" that Mackenzie died.

    It is not "God's Will" to have people torture others who are innocent. My son has been completely innocent and so have I, actually. Some may hate me, but I haven't committed crime against any of them, or harmed them, or lied to have what is dearest taken away.

    What the Cowell family could do, which might make a difference and actually bring something beautiful out of this, from something ugly, is to begin speaking about what no one here wants to speak about, and that is the underlying seaminess and corruption here. It's not a safe place to live and to claim it is, is a disservice.

    Just as I face having my rights terminated without cause, after what I've been through, and how I've been used and even betrayed by some members of my own family, there are things which can be done to be proactive.

    There are a lot of kids at risk, who go along with a game adults may enjoy, but which is actually dangerous. Mackenzie's death could be used to highlight this and to highlight the need for a real law and order and for justice.

    I feel it's been insensitive to ignore the needs of an entire community of children and teens.

  4. u r a sick sick dare u post this....we are greiving deeply and u think u have the rite to play god!!!!!!u sick deprived individual!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. You are mistaken to think I'm playing "God". I had NOTHING to do with what happened to her. I have no idea how you would think I am "playing God".

    I am greiving too...I am greiving for my son and for this entire town.

    Mackenzie was involved in THIS TOWN'S gang crap, and what is SICK is that this town refuses to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for its own delusions and illness.


  6. It seems you are using MacKenzie as a reason to blog about the loss of your son, but you are doing it in a distasteful way, and you are personally attacking her and the entire community in the process. What happened is sickening and disgusting and even if you may believe you saw her, your own opinions about her are damaging. You need to find a way to recover elsewhere, but you should not use MacKenzie.

  7. She was not involved in gang activity, and how dare you make that assumption about this poor child. Get it through your head that not everyone in Wenatchee is a "gangster" or "involved" in something. There are many people who lead average lives, just trying to care for their loved ones.

    "Why wouldn't the family want to have any information possible, out about their daughter?"

    Because nothing will change the fact that she's gone. Because it hurts, because we don't want to give more power to the people that did this to her, and because we want to be able to celebrate her life and remember the beauty she brought into the world. Yes, something horrible happened, but there are still family and friends that remember the beauty.

    She was not just a "woman," Cameo. She was a CHILD, someone's baby, someone's little sister. She was still in high school.

    You ARE insensitive, because you are taking a tragedy and using it as an opportunity to stand on your soapbox and make hurtful comments like her being in a "gang." Yes, we understand you and your child have also been hurt, but what right does that give you to trash Mackenzie's name and hurt her family further?

    You're shocked that we are shocked? We are not as heartless as you, or self-involved to the point of writing what you've written.

  8. Dear CWR,

    I understand what you're saying. I do realize what I'm writing about may be touchy for many.

    Yes, as I have written already, my perspective of what has happened is based on the template of what I have seen happen to my own son, and what I have witnessed firsthand in this community.

    I AM attacking this community, in the sense that if this community had their priorities straightened out and were more concerned about doing good than playing sick games with others, there would never be a climate in which this tragedy could have occured.

    This community wants to dish it out, wherever and whenever they can, to "outsiders" or to those whom they wish to punish, even little kids, but as soon as something obvious comes to light, the community wants to go into total denial.

    I am not "using" her and lying about seeing her. The chances are at least 85% that she is the very woman I saw that one night, who I blogged about as following me, with her friend, to another store and watching what I purchased.

    SHE and her friend had a special interest in ME, and it IS my concern, considering that if she was involving herself in my life in some way, I am connected and my son is connected to this. This whole town is well aware of the lying and corruption here and the horrible things which have been done to me and my son. It's not even a secret. But all of a sudden, some people in this community want me to keep a lid on it?

    This community has directed impacted my life and the life of my son. You have followed me around, played mind games with me, harassed and defamed me to whoever you can, and have chosen to take directions to lie and screw me over.

    You STILL don't get it. My son has been TORTURED but you don't FUCKING get it and want to give ME some kind of super self-righteous victim schpeel. MY SON is a victim of the same system this community ENCOURAGES but now you don't want to bring that to light.

    This community is responsible for what has happened not only to my son but to Mackenzie. Quit blaming innocent mothers for the CRIMINAL actions and harassment by others.

  9. You think everyone has a special interest in you. No wonder the courts have said you're just a paranoid schizophrenic. If it had been someone else that was killed, you'd have some conspiracy theory about them, too.

  10. Dear Anonymous,

    Thank you for your comment. I appreciate your taking the time to read my blog and defend whatever it is you feel you need to defend.

    As for the courts saying anything about my mental state, they haven't. There was nothing about my mental state for which to remove my son, and never any diagnosis, even though I've had an MMPI twice now in my life and they are always normal. All objective tests, including MRI of my head, are normal and eliminate the possibility of "Paranoid schitzophrenia". A lot of defamation has been leveled at me though, yes. As for the removal of my son, my son was taken by "default".

    Do you know what that means? This means, for example, if you got a ticket for speeding 80 mph when you were on a moped that could only push 40 mph, that even if you're innocent, if you miss the court date or don't show up, you're found guilty. It doesn't mean you actually did it, but you're "guilty" anyway for not appearing.

    What happened in my case was that I was denied a public defender even though I was confused and wrote email after email asking who was representing me and I had received different stories. No one from court or from a lawyer's office, bothered to respond or give me discovery at all. It was on the day of the hearing, that it was announced I had to "defend" myself. I had not been told I would have to defend myself and no one had given me any of the discovery or court records I needed to make such a defense. So I objected, and then I was hung up on and refused to be allowed back to the hearing.

    The hearing went on without me, without a defense attorney, and without ANY defense whatsoever. The headline should have been: "State Wins By A Landslide!"

    What has been done, throughout this entire case, and then done to me and my son in the meantime, has been corrupt and criminal.

    You may defend this town all you like, but it's not until it's someone who was born and raised here that gets hurt, that something doesn't feel good. Where has your sympathy been, to anyone else?

    This town is one big mob and you want to deny everything and say everything is okay when it's not.

  11. You stated in the first portion of this blog about "I don't know who the worst enemy is, that's doing the most harm to me and my son" ! Guess what, it is YOU!! Posting these blogs, and saying the paranoid shit you write about, non-lethal weapons, who do you think you are to be so important that an entire community is going to be against YOU!!?Get some help and let your son live a normal life with whom ever he is with!

  12. You are guilty of libeling this poor child, by posting in written words malicious, false and defamatory statements about her.
    I will be sending your comments to her parents and to law enforcement and I hope they sue you and that the law prosecutes you for the horrible things you have stated about Mackenzie as "fact".
    I have copied all text and taken screen shots of your libel comments.

  13. Dear Anonymous,

    I'm quite sure law enforcement and her parents already are aware of what I've written.

    It is not libel unless it is determined fact and I have stated that IF this is the same girl as the one I saw that night, there could be issues.

    However, what I find interesting, is that while the Chelan county claims to have no budget for this case, and while they say they're turning over every stone, they have not bothered to return my call, when I called 3 weeks ago, to try to find out if this was the same girl and give more details of the night I saw her and her interactions with me.

    However, not one police officer has called to ask, so I hardly think they are really "on the case" or taking it seriously at all.

    The other thing I noticed, was that an absolutely unexpected Notice To Terminate my parental rights was filed on that same day that she went missing. She went missing, and the termination papers were filed, on the 9th of February.

    What is odd, is that I have a ton of email from my lawyer and had converstions with him which indicated there was going to be a hearing to get my son BACK and to increase visitation. Everything changed, overnight in fact, on the 9th.

  14. So I have an interest. I have an interest in how one month, everytone is claiming the hearnig is to increase my visits and get my son back and then all of a sudden, a girl is missing and the intention is retracted, to reuinte me with my son, and instead, I'm harassed by religious persons who go on about Catholic stuff. I was served with termination papers by a man wearing a cross with the words "veritas" and this was Ash Wednesday, the same day my son was performing rituals he is not exposed to unless someone purposefully showed him this.

    I have had forms of harassment and surveillance by a couple of different groups and the harassment has been done by many until maybe the last day or two, some decided to back off a little.

    What is suspicious, is how these state workers and the AG, filed for termination on the 9th, after all signs were showing that everyone was going to make an attempt to join me with my son and have a normal hearing. They, including my own lawyer, even changed the PURPOSE of the hearing, lying, and claiming it was just a hearing for filing notice of termination. That's not what the hearing was for. It was set up to provide me with a chance to put in motions and then everyone backed out on it.

    As if I had something to do with the disappearance of MacKenzie.

    What is interesting is that a couple of realtors were supposedly looking at this house that same day and no one showed up. Mackenzies mother is a realtor.
