Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Mental Help Advice From Corrupt

I got a couple of comments, and now that I've even mentioned anything about anxiety, which should be obvious, or anything at all, I'm having "get mental help" thrown at me again.

Most of the people in this town need mental help. The kind of thing I have to endure and see on a daily basis should be enough to drive me nuts but I'm not nuts.

Do you know why Mackenzie is dead? because people DO know what's going on in this town and someone decided to do something about it. I'm not saying that this was right. It could be she was about to "snitch" and report about something. Or it could be that she was just part of what I even blogged about on my blog when she and her friend were following me around.

I write about her and she ends up dead? Could it be that someone in her family is directly related to some of the harm that's come to me and my son? I know, that when I brought "reed" up to someone or a couple people, they almost jumped, and said, "What about Reed? Why did you bring that up?"

This guy thought I was referring to a man and it freaked him out. I made no connection. I'm not saying her family was doing anything wrong at all, they could have been on my side if they were undercover on my side in some way. But I know what I saw in that store, and I know something was wrong with those oysters and I'm glad I didn't have them. If she thought something was wrong with them, or anyone did, no one was stopping me. I asked the guy, "How old are these" and he said very slowly, "2 days. They're 2 days old." I said I didn't want them and he nodded and then said he could get some for me which were fresher. I said no thanks.

I have, at that store, had someone put extremely hot pepper in a deli item I ordered. She did it when my back was turned and I thought there was something wrong because it was so hot, but I hadn't had the ambrosia salad in awhile and at first, thought it was normal. The woman recommended it to me. I'm sure she doctored it, but his happened at that same store. I went back, because I kept my eyes on things more and one person doing this doesn't mean there is something wrong with the whole store. But I got that salad again and it wasn't hot at all and what I first got was not just hot but had a very odd flavor to it.

This is after having someone try to poison me in Seattle or Tacoma. Um...don't fucking tell ME I'm the one who needs "mental help".

I've been able to document harassment and vandalism for years and then it escalated into actual physical harm of me and my son. I'm sorry, but it's the next step. It is ludicrous to think people getting away with harassing me for several years is going to be just fine and that they won't try something else and continue it. I was literally asked how I wanted to die before it started to happen and I said I didn't want to be tortured--that would be worse. Then, once I think a friend intervened because I told her something was going on and then it stopped and she asked me if it had stopped and it had, but after that, we were on our own. People in this town think it's funny. They drive the fire trucks back and forth even, and use ambulances and federal vehicles to run their games over here, and it scares the people who don't want to be a part but feel utterly outnumbered. It's more than 9 against 1 here. The odds are not good, for someone who wants to stand apart from all of it.

Almost everyone in this town knows what goes on but they keep it quiet. They have no problem violating the law, destroying evidence, harassing, or ganging up on someone. It's no big deal and gives them something to do. I saw a few things like this on the East Coast, yes, I did, but more of the time, it was more subdued.

People have gone off of bridges and died. People have DIED here, in this town, carrying messages for me or to try to warn or someone wanted to send a message. That Woolsey guy who died over Beebe Bridge wasn't a joke. I know I knew him too, but I can't remember how.

There is extremely serious violence in this town, and yet they do it with non lethal weapons and equipment. There is basic office-level corruption and dirty deals, but in addition to this, there is very serious intimidation and threats and harm. I am not just talking about your Friday night fight-out in the streets. People do a LOT of covert damage to others here.

When I first moved here, I thought, "Wow, this will be a boring place to live. It's all hunting, outdoor sports shops (which I did little of without money), Republican bumper stickers, and then a lot of church going people and they have billboards about saving "the unborn child"" so you THINK wow, very pro-child town, when in reality, it's a joke. In reality, this is not a good place to raise any child. Unless you want to raise your child to be part of a mob and they teach kids to do horrible things at an early age.

The police are corrupt and destroy evidence and do favors for others, and the lawyers all work together and give deals to only those who will provide a tangible benefit for them. There is no equal law and justice. There is also, with the enormous problem with unemployment, a lot of risk for bribes and greed here. If they won't join to make a living or for the extra cash, they do after being threatened with very real harm.

There were only a couple of hints as to the kind of violence here or bloodlust or thirst for problems here. First of all, there isn't much to do that challenges anyone. This is the first town I've ever lived in where there is a full-on fist fight or bar fight, guaranteed, in public, every single Friday and/or Saturday night. Then, the cage fight scene is huge here. I was looking at the Arts & Entertainment board and it was like one or two actual art offerings and then TONS of brute "cage fighting!" sports. Anything violent and anything "fight club" draws enthusiasm and teams and bets.

At first, you see a couple things like this, and think, well, it's a small town and it's normal and they like to do things hands-on I guess. But what I didn't count for was the sophisticated machinery that comes from Seattle. From Spokane even, but also, Seattle. I didn't count on corrupt public officers to the degree they are corrupt. Not at all. And I didn't think about the high level of military and other kinds of expertise in this area. There are very smart people who know how to do some incredible things which hurt people. There are people who are in the military who use their access for harming others and then there is a black market which has put smaller style weapons into the hands of people you wouldn't expect. A LOT of people.

But these people want to call anyone who doesn't go along "mentally ill". If someone complains about anything here, it goes big and I came into town bringing baggage already from Oregon. I was hoping to make a fresh start but instead, people were one step ahead of me and trying to bring me down and defame me right away. They had to work at this and chip, chip, away at me.

I then couldn't get medical care anywhere in the entire state without someone getting ahead of me. It turned into this thing where it was no longer about religion which I think it was, and about some pissed off lawyers maybe, and then it turned into something which I realized, to shock and horror, wasn't bound by religion at all. I mean, sure it may have started one way, but then I soon found out, anyone was willing to play mind games and hurt others, if they didn't like them or someone they cared about in their community might get sued or have a bad rap.

I think about the Wenatchee Sex Ring thing that happened. If you read about it, what the journalists discovered was that there was NO evidence for what happened. What it was, really, was enough to make this Spokane journalist CRY.

I talk about seeing grown men literally cry, sincerely, in this town, and it's because they sure do know a lot. They know, and yet they must feel powerless too, and helpless.

The journalist discovered law enforcement and lawyers already KNEW the people were not guilty. There was evidence clearing them, but they got rid of it, or tried. They literally destroy evidence, left and right here.

This is one of the best places in the entire country, I think, to do dirty work and then shred evidence and even create new evidence and get away with it. The town is so tight knit that even if people know, no one will tell. Some won't, out of an allegiance that gets fostered while they're young and others, out of fear. But it happens. It happened to me and it a lot of innocent parents were sent to jail and lost their kids for no reason.

What kind of compensation has been received?

Well, that's the other trick of the town. To stall and delay and traumatize people to try to get them tied up or distracted until the timeline for statute of limitations expires. So even though these people were falsely jailed and permanently lost their kids, they couldn't get compensation because by the time they were freed or had the ability to make a claim, too much time had passed.

Paul fled to Canada with his family and I don't think he'll be back. He was cleared from across the border and had to fight it over there. But he literally had to leave the area and he kept telling people, "It's not just that case. LISTEN." He kept trying to tell people, it's the whole system and environment and it hasn't changed.

But it's much deeper than I ever thought.

What is going on in this state, is enough for 20 John Grisham thrillers or more. I am not joking, because it is really like "The Cove".

The most dangerous part, aside from office level public corruption, is the very serious problem with non lethal weapons and other technology. It is rampant here and people who have ascended and gained the trust of others, are even given small tools for using on people on their own. And that's not even touching the big stuff. They will not hesitate to almost kill someone, by forcing them to suffer and I see California and Oregon in this too, in my case with my son. It goes on other places, I'm realizing, but my main issues were over here. Then, it seemed certain people on the East Coast but not like a huge group.

Please understand, what happened to Mackenzie is potential for opening up a huge can of worms. It it one rock turned over that reveals what happens here, and it begins to shed the smallest bit of light onto what happens in the community and most of the horrible things are done in secret. I feel someone would have to have been born and raised here and then had some kind of serious religious conversion and message from God or something, to be willing to break in and infiltrate and try to get things cleaned up. But doing this would be exceptionally dangerous, because there are so many crooked cops and state workers and others, it's hard to know who to trust.

The people here, I've discovered, have, in my case, destroyed vast amounts of evidence. Altered medical records, purged them, the works.

I've had people trying to get me either locked up in a jail or in a psych ward. There are powerful groups that want to be rid of me and make it impossible for me to even move. They want to trap, circle, and attack. My son and I have literally been hostages. It is the saddest most horrific thing. But it is true.

I was willing to give so much, even be "nuts" if they wanted, but these people don't play fair at all. They don't know how to negotiate, or even think ahead about the time they'd save. It is literally like the people in The Cove who, when offered a payment to free dolphins, turn it DOWN saying they enjoy getting rid of the "pests". It's not even about the money sometimes, it's about a misplaced zeal for something they think they are doing for important people or their principles or a system they don't want any dents in.

Crime happens here, a LOT. This town has a slick veneer of small town comfort but underneath and in hidden places, is a lot of sophisticated technology and chips on shoulders which is encouraged to facilitate mocking people and harming them. I could make a huge list of crimes I've personally witnessed in this state, and the kinds of cover I see them getting from people in even government.

I think all the good people must be in serious danger or are getting bumped off by even their peers and coworkers. It's very serious here. I am not joking when I say this town needs a lot of extra support, but from sincerely fair people who will not take sides.


Anonymous said...

Enough, Cameo. Enough. Enough with you still talking about Mackenzie like you KNEW her and trying to taint her memory. Put yourself in her mother's shoes. You are completely heartless and self-centered. Maybe you haven't been "diagnosed" with paranoid schizophrenia, but writing numerous lengthy posts in one day, day after day, all speculating abut who's against you, beg otherwise.

I agree with the commenter that said you are hurting yourself with this blog. You are. We're not your enemies, YOU are your worst enemy. You post stuff constantly talking badly about others and take on this huge defensive tone when asked to stop writing about this poor child who died. You are so selfish that you think we should all be focusing on YOU, on someone who obviously has severe mental issues and CAN'T be helped. You wouldn't know "help" if it hit you in the face, because you are THAT paranoid.

Don't believe us that you're paranoid? I bet I could give you any nonsensical words or phrase, or leave you with a really mundane sentence, and you would find some "hidden meaning" in it. If I tell you I'm wearing polka dot pajamas, then you're going to write this huge blog about the Polka Dot Mafia or some crap. You are so full of shit.

Anonymous said...

Corrupt? You want to talk about corrupt? You would show up at a Catholic Church in low cut shirts and made a huge stink when a member of the clergy rejected your advances.

You don't deserve to have your son back. Not if you're going to make him as paranoid as you are.

You don't even KNOW that it was Mackenzie you were writing about before this tragedy happened! Then her description and pictures come out, and suddenly SHE is the one you were talking about and you're so convinced? Please.

Mama said...


Thank you for the compliments and nods.

What I notice most about your post is how you attempt to deny everything I wrote about, by claiming I'm paranoid or mentally ill and then "full of shit".

Since when do the mentally healthy get angry at the "paranoid schitzophrenic" and call the mentally ill "full of shit"?

Truth is, one does not even waste time or spend time trying to deny something when the person is obviously ill. What you want to do, is defame me, and yet while you don't sincerely believe I'm mentally ill, what is really sad is that you're willing to use labels of mental illness to discredit someone and to suggest those with legitimate illness are never correct and are worthless individuals to society.

You have completely bashed and discriminated against and sent hate mail to a mentally ill woman, if you believe I am, and if this is the way you work, and the level of compassion you have for the vulnerable, displaced, or inconvient, I wouldn't trust one word out of your mouth.

I am not trashing this girl. I said she could have been trying to do something good. But you want to deny everything and you wouldn't spend time writing to the mentally ill if you really believed they were mentally ill. A woman such as yourself would feel it is beneath her.

Mama said...

Dear Anonymous,

As for your comment about my going to Catholic church in "low cut shirts", now I am seriously wondering what your hatred is about.

It sounds to me like you have a serious issue with me that IS based on religion which then makes me wonder if this girl was from a Catholic family. Why would you even bring up my going to a church?

As for "low cut shirts" no one has ever published or said that about me, because it never happened. Do you see the photos I have up? That is the kind of thing I wore. I was even MORE covered up when I went to the Abbey.

I was also not the one to "make advances" torwards any monk. I had a monk who I thought was my friend and we had religious discussions and he fell in love with me and wanted more. He didn't even want me to date or talk to anyone else. That's over and done with, and I know what happened and I was defamed, but you are very wrong to say I was dressing inappropriately to church. Never in my life. I have letters where he talks about my breaking it off with him, not the other way around.

As for "deserving" to have my son back, perhaps you are a town crier of sorts and this is why the termination papers were filed on the 9th of February, out of hatred and the belief I had something to do with this. Or maybe someone did know that family was connected to me in some way and to get back at someone else, who knows who, they decided to get termination filed. This is a sick town with very very sick people in it.

As for whether it's the same girl, it might not be. If not, it was a twin with the same boots. I thought her face looked a little different and wanted to see something of her not smiling to be sure. Her family would know if she owned a blue shirt like the one I saw and if I saw other photos I could say yes or no. I also described the jacket and other things in detail so authorities would know, but if they're working so hard at this, why haven't they contacted me? Hmmm. I would think, if there is a connection, some would want to hide that fact, and others, if they are honest, would try to find out more.

Mama said...

I was thinking, as I walked back to my house, I want to apologize.

I don't go back on my thoughts because I'm trying to figure some things out, but I do feel sorry for going along with elevating this and reacting when there isn't enough to go off of at this point.

I have no idea why you'd bring church into this, but you have been misinformed. That is not your fault. However, I have to be careful because what was going on, if this is the same person, it could be someone would try to use a different religion than could be involved, to muddle things, if there is any religious motive even partways or not.

It is also possible that if she was going out to meet someone or she and her boyfriend knew about something, they were trying to do something good and she was killed over it. Or, maybe they were doing something not very good.

I really don't know and it isn't a good idea to assume anything right now.

I really do want peace and my son hasn't been safe and I want this for both of us. I have prayed to God for justice, not from the hands of others, but from himself, because he would know what's going on better than anyone. So I pray to God.

I cannot form an opinion right now. At the time, it was very weird. And was just weird. But I didn't have a bad sense from her when she walked by, if this is the same person.

Please lets calm down and not worry or assume until more is known. If it isn't her, it almost, well, someone was trying to be her twin. I have no idea.

She might not be this same girl and then just the target of abuse when she was trying to do something good. I really don't have enough info and don't even know how she died.

Anonymous said...

you are FUCKING crazy!!! crazy as FUCK!!!
FuCkInG cRaZy!

What messages do you find in my comment o wise one? Am I part of the 3 conspiracy or the medical one or the Catholic one or the FBI one or the CIA one? I'm really curious... Oh shit, another 3!

Mama said...

Dear Anonymous,

You sent me an email that went like this:

"&**&*_%*%$##@@@@@!3!! 3 magic,
crazy, 5 lights out in hollywood, crazy, 8 ain't so great, crazy, crazy, electromagnetic aliens, crazy, birdies crazy,
CRAZY, 75388 &^#*(&(&#^% crazy crrzy aahhghghhghghghghhhhhh. piece of shit."

I think you have been living with crazies so long, in this town, that you think anyone who is normal with common sense, who notices odd behavior, is the one that's nuts.