Saturday, February 20, 2010

Motive For Digging Up Amy Bishop's Past

I have read some of the developing news about Bishop. I read she got angry at someone and hit them on the head at sometime after she was out of college, I believe, as an adult.

By all accounts, her shooting was methodical. She wasn't in a rage, she methodically shot. There was no discussion about tensure and she'd been denied this long ago. She apparently said a few things while going into the car but doesn't remember a single thing. She went to Harvard, where the Unibomber went, where he was subjected to 3 years of CIA brainwashing and abuse for MK-ULTRA, starting at the age of 16. The Unibomber then went on for more of the same as he was followed by the CIA in his "developments". Amy Bishop went to Harvard and is approximately the same age as the Unibomber. It is very possible she was a victim of MK-ULTRA. If she WAS, and the government knows this, and knows evidence could come up about it, the best way to diffuse any blame would be to try to dig up her past, but ESPECIALLY anything that might sound out of the ordinary, before she ever got into college. Because then one could claim it wasn't MK-ULTRA at all, it was just the person all on their own.

SO I started thinking, how old was Amy Bishop when this shooting of her brother, by accident or not, occured? Was she a teenager? From what I've read, she was 21 years old.

If she was 21 years old, wasn't she in college already? Wasn't she already a student at Harvard? Perhaps, if she went in at age 18, she had already been there for 3 years.

I will have to find out.

Wow. I just called Harvard and I thought I left long messages! This is the longest message I've ever heard. I was trying to find out when Bishop was registered. Will have to look elsewhere.

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