Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Need Statements About My Aunt and Uncle

I had a couple of people approach me and let me know, a couple months ago, how my aunt and uncle were lying about me to the state because they wanted my son.

I just asked my aunt where my son was getting this idea that they are his mommy and Dad, and my aunt tried to say my son "made it up". She said no one ever told him this.

I said, "Oliver doesn't just make things up. He was repeating something that someone told him and he told me you and Pablo told him YOU were his parents, his mommy and Dad."

So then, my aunt basically admitted to lying by changing her story and saying well he DID call them mommy and Daddy. I said they needed to explain to him what the truth is, that they are his aunt and uncle and I am the mommy.


So my aunt freaked out and hung up on me.

Even when I had people directly telling me, that my family did NOT want me to have my son back, I didn't believe it. I saw what was going on, but still couldn't imagine.

Now, I fully believe this and I would like anyone and everyone who thinks they can help me by telling me what they know and have observed, to approach me.

I go to the state offices to visit my son, my email address is online, and if I'm out on a walk I don't mind being stopped. I talk to people about things all the time, sometimes their own personal struggles, and no one would know what someone is talking to me about.

But it will help me to have witnesses or confirmation, because then it will help prove and explain why there has been so much lying even from SOME members of my own family, and how they have done this to suit themselves and have had their own motives.

Also, if anyone has information about any illegal or improper activities my aunt or uncle have engaged in, I need to know this as well. I have seen how they cover up abuse of my son, so I need to know what else they're involved in.

I already have some ideas about some men that have gone along with my aunt and uncle but tried to screw me over, for their own interests. These men offered me a place to stay and when I refused to have anything to do with them romantically, they stole my clothing and played a lot of other mind games and it was clear to me that they were in communication with my aunt and uncle. Also, someone who direclty stole evidence from visits with my son, is, I believe a friend of that side of the family, and I need more information on him because it will prove how SOME members of my own family have tried to make me out to be mentally ill and have even tried to scare me and have allowed harm to come to my son, in order to try to keep me from getting my own son back.

What is totally bizarre is how hyper-religious they claim to be, when they have lied about me and tried to keep Oliver from me. They have not shown any of the characteristics of Christianity and instead have made it clear they believe they or someone else is their God, and then what is MOST bizarre, is they then encourage ALL of their kids to go to some 2 year missionary school. For what??! They cannot call themselves "christians" when they disobey how many of the commandments of God?

I found out a LOT about what some of my family has tried to do to me, and USING my SON to try to get to me even, and it's sick.

Holly and Pablo Avila have a record about lying about me, the mother, in order to go along with certain state persons who want to take my son from me.

They have no interest in my son's best interests or in his desires and I was told they make up things about me and complaints as well, just to keep me from having my son back and to try to work with the state to take my son and terminate my rights.

They had my son's telephone visitation cut off even when I was on the East Coast, by lying about me to the state and going along with what the state workers wanted. My son suffered tremendously and was distraught over this and at first, then, even my uncle saw what damage it did. My aunt Holly didn't like hearing my son call me "mama" and say this over and over and over, and SHE hung up on HIM.

Holly is jealous of my son's mother.

They do not want me to have my son and tonight I have finally allowed myself to know the truth.

Will the "truth set me free"? Hmmm...I would have to see about that. All I know, is that all this time, I've been deluded and hoodwinked by some of the members of my OWN family. They have done things to me that I could never imagine.

They have WANTED me to look nuts as well, and I found out, have gone along with a lot of the mind games, just to try to get this advantage.

ANYONE, who has ANY information about any attempts from members of my own family, to try to screw me and my son over, out of a grudge they've had for a very long time, please let me know. Please get ahead of me so I am able to better protect my son.

Typically, what my aunt or uncle would do at this point, after I've blogged about them, would be to claim my son is too sick to see me or a monitor will call in sick. I already checked with my aunt about my son's health and he is fine tonight.

I seriously question who some of these family members want involved in my affairs. They seem to think certain people will do them favors and help them, but they don't care about me or my son, really, in the least.

They had 4 of their own children and want to take my son, when he is my only son.

I have plenty of documentation of all the crappy things some of my own family members have done to me, including making false charges about me and leaving me in jail and my aunt has been so volatile, I really don't even trust her with children. She freaks out over small things.

I am not talking about everyone in my family either. There are people who have been supportive and who do want me to have my son and know I've been screwed over.

But the Avilas and my grandparents, have not been on my side in this, and when I last saw my own father even, I was shocked. I think he wants me to have my son, at least that's what he's said, but I don't know if I believe it anymore. They have all made a lot of claims and had a lot of talk and yet done nothing practical and actually done more harm than good, as I've tried to fight for my son.

It is really sad to say this and to have to accept this. It's horrible and it's why I could NOT accept it for so long. There isn't one bone in my body which would want to believe ANY member of my family would try to keep my son from me or have a grudge or want to take something from me and my son that isn't theirs to take.

But now, when I look back at where all the disappearing evidence was coming from, and different people who have been involved in all of this, I know more.

My aunt has always shown me her true feelings when she thinks I have no recourse. Twice, when I was in jail on false charges, and her son Andres tried to rub it in. She started to go off and when she realized I wasn't in jail, for not appearing for a hearing, she stopped in her tracks. She had thought I was locked up and that she could give me a real piece of her mind. When she found out I wasn't locked up she stopped talking. She plays it cool when she thinks she has to. She lies about marks on my son's body and then says my SON is "making things up" or that "he doesn't know what he's talking about". She, who tries to keep my son, accuses my defenseless and voiceless SON of lying. The other day, she even tried to make it sound like it was all Pablos fault. Twice, she has tried to put blame on her own husband. If there's real blame to be put down somewhere, she's not coming out with what it is. She told me today that my son calls Pablo Dad more than he calls her mom and she also told me the other day that Oliver was fine but now he was with Pablo, while she was shopping, so she couldn't say.

I have some people in my family who are acting like they are afraid of getting into TROUBLE. I think they are concerned that if there IS an investigation, they may get a raw deal, so I've had some of them try to distance themselves as if it's someone else not them.

After all the grace I gave them, and faith, and benefit of a doubt, I see what they are really coming down to, and now as time is closer to termination, they have no problem telling my son to call them mom and dad and mocking me to my face about how I will never get my son back and they are going to adopt him.

They have confidence and arrogance in being able to take my son from me. What should raise questions in minds, is if they treat me this way, when I never did anything to them until after some of them accused me of doing something I didn't do (for which I went to jail)...what should raise questions, is what they are really about when it comes to "family".

The lack of attention and care they have put into my son, by leaving him unsupervised with people and throwing him into daycare, should alarm others. I have tried over and over agian to protect my son but I have both corrupt family members and corrupt state workers getting in the way and working together to deprive a single mother of her child.

They don't care what happens to me or my son, they just care about getting caught, in having anything to do with any part of trying to screw me over.

They do not want to get "caught". And that is IT.

If any of them think, with some of the things I know now, and have put together, and that others have helped me put together, that are doing my son and themselves any favors with this, they are in for a shock.

I have U.S. Marshalls quizzing me about "an ex boyfriend" and acting like something is going on, when they turn a blind eye to their corrupt government officials, corrupt police, and even some of my own family members which I'm sure they very well know are willing to be corrupt as well.

There are things my aunt and uncle could be doing, even NORMAL things, to support my son's desires and right to be with his mother and see me more and yet they don't do it. When my aunt even gave me a ride once, in the past, the state told me THEY allowed it because my AUNT said it was okay.

I have my aunt and the state, working together, but using eachother to screw me and my son over. If I ask what's going on, my aunt accuses the state workers of blocking them and how SHE spoke up for me to say my son needed to talk to me over the phone to begin with. But then, when my aunt decided to complain about me, the state TERMINATED my own SON's ATTEMPT to speak to his mother.

What kind of woman does this??? And then, as much as I know Michelle lies in court, and anyplace at all, SHE turns around and tells me I'd better back off and be "grateful" your son "is even in your family at all" because her supervisors and others are supposedly worse. She tells me my aunt is saying bad things about me and complaining. So they're all just blaming one and then the other, and meanwhile, my SON is the only one who suffers.

Instead of seeing my SON with marks all over his body, or looking bad, or having suffered, why have my aunt and uncle NOT shown up this way? I mean, my son gets sliced and cut and is throwing up and has breath that smells like something burnt and just sick, sick, sick, and they refuse to take him to a doctor even when I said then, that I would pay for it.

If they ARE being intimidated, by state and government or military persons, they are not brave enough to stand up for my son.

I have been willing to DIE for my son, in order to speak up for him and what he is going through, and WHEN have the state workers or my family been willing to do the same?

The person who should have the power to be making decisions in the life of my son and in this case and over visitation and who gets to see who when, is ME. My son would agree and would choose his mother, and he constantly does, and he is ignored.

I want to see where my AUNT was sliced across her face. Where she showed up one day with a black eye that spread over the whole side of her face. Where 3 of her fingers were sliced. Where she had breath that smelled like something burnt. What about my UNCLE? Where are HIS "marks". Where are the marks of my cousins?

They have direct access to my son, and lie about what is happening to him. It's only one way or the other. Either they are part of the problem, or they are being intimidated and yet just hate me and want my son. If they are being intimidated, they could go to the U.S. Marshalls or some other group out of the state even, and make reports about what they are going through. But they choose not to.

They choose to keep their house that they live in, and their jobs and whatever else someone might be able to threaten them with.

If state persons were intimidating them and threatening to take my SON if they don't go along, they would have a powerful testimony in speaking up and being witnesses to crime against a child. They would get Witness Protection and so would my son, and they could get some bad people locked up. IF they are being intimidated.

I'm not saying I want harm to come to my aunt or uncle, but they act like they want to distance themselves even from eachother, at the idea of an investigation.

Then I have one guy telling me to report my family members or try to get my son with someone else, and then in the very next minute, he's telling me that if I tell my uncle "what to do" I'll never see my son again and I won't be able to talk to him on the phone either. So first he wants me to screw over my family members and then he tells me they have all the authority in this.

I need people of courage to either rise up, out of this town, in spite of all of the peer pressure, or I need people to come into this town, in droves, and start infiltrating and documenting the corruption. And it's state-wide but I hear it's particularly bad here for some reason, but I don't know for sure.

We need undercover attorneys in here, too. The problem will be getting the people who were born here to trust anyone who wasn't born here. But I really cannot believe someone who was born here is going to be able to shake off all the decades of brainwashing and pressure, to do anything noble. It would be a miracle. These people are indoctrinated in this crap from birth and I do NOT want MY SON to be a part of what I see.

I shouldn't be so harsh about everyone born in Wenatchee. The problem is that even if there are a few who don't like it, they can't break out of it without risking everything, and people need to know there are others from out of this area, who will protect them and help them if they try to resist what's going on and begin reporting things.

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