Tuesday, February 2, 2010

not to be published but came to mind

I want them to eat too. I wonder what kind of food they like. I have no idea why food came to mind again but I keep thinking a mild chicken curry (yellow curry) with raisins. I don't know what Somalis eat or what the Chandlers like to eat, but I would give them some decent food. Weird, I just looked up this dish, wondering what country its from and it's called "Country Captain Curry". I think there's an Indian version though. I was thinking of flatbread too. I have no idea why this came to mind. Maybe I should put it into a different post, because it might not have to do with the Chandlers but it did come to mind as I was thinking about them. Maybe it's a dish they like, or don't like, or have been served, or someone was eating at the moment it popped into my mind, someone I'm connected to in some way. I don't know. I don't want to make too much about an idea of chicken curry.

Some people hate Indian food. I don't know why this dish came to mind.

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