Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Oliver Doing Better

I called to see how my son was doing and he seems to be doing better. He is getting over the cough and was eating stir fry and rice.

I really have little pity for my aunt at this point. She has taken my son from me and gone out of her way to keep him from even talking to me on the phone and has just said bad things. I never imagined she would do this. Even when I saw her jealousy over my son preferring me, after she'd only had him 3 months, I still didn't imagine she would do this.

I should have known. I just trust people I should have never trusted. I think now that the only reason she claimed she wanted my son with me was so my father thought she wasn't going out of her way to take him.

She's had 4 kids of her own and has done some pretty mean things to me, even before she was caring for my son. Not to mention she hasn't advocated for my son at all, the way I have. So it's disappointing. She is so self righteous and condescending it drives me nuts.

I have people saying Pablo wanted to take my son from me, but even he was acting like it wasn't right when my aunt hung up on my son when my son was calling out for "Mommy". My aunt is jealous.

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