Monday, February 22, 2010

Other Plate Numbers & Surveillance

These are not gotchas but just people I noticed who seemed to have more than passing interest or were really following or something. 877 VTF.

I'll put the rest down in a bit.

Some people were trying to put on better acts today, I noticed. Like, some who are not supportive of me, put on an expression as if they were but I could still intuit through it.

I also think somehow my room or computer has a hidden camera, because of things I see when I leave the house, that shows people know what I've put in my bag already and other things, and then today too, I saw my visit got out to others, because of the comments I got afterwards still, before I wrote anything down.

If not, there are remote viewers around and that seems completely implausible. I had thought maybe it was my computer, and maybe it is sometimes, however, when something happened with a guy from UK who wrote down a number of something I had just looked at, 2 minutes earlier, I wondered what in the world. I had just looked at a number on a blanket, and it was 717. I then went to the UK site, right after this, and picking up the blanket and noticing, and the number 717 was featured on MY SITE. So it could be coicidental but it's strange. The webcam part of my laptop was covered up. So then I had heard sometimes things can be viewed through the regular screen. Then I saw this on the MI5 show, where people can actually watch through the screen though I have no CLUE how. But, when I got up this morning, I had the blinds drawn and I had my computer turned off and shut down, the cover down.

I had just been reading a few things from a Di book before I decided, last minute, to throw it in for kicks and see what my son thought. So this was all done in my bedroom, and I walk out, and I had just been on the page where it said Di was given a necklace with a "D" on it, and what drives by, but the first time I ever noticed this van, EVER, a huge van with a "D" on it and nothing else.

This would seem like a total coincidence if it were not happening ALL the time.

I seriously wonder what kind of things were happening to Diana before her accident and if she had written all these things down and those were some of the letters destroyed, because people didn't want anyone to read and think she was crazy because they didn't understand the technology or the lengths some will go to, to TRY to make someone look paranoid or drive them nuts.

As for the newest monitor, she has done some weird things, however, I have not seen her notes, and if they are fair, it doesn't matter what other things she does. But I don't know, because I haven't seen. I would doubt they are fair because of some of the mind games, but if they are fair, they are fair and it would be a tribute to her.

I've had people of all faiths try to help, but it seems like there have been some who are not just regular people, but have had more important positions and they've gone out of their way to hinder me, and there is always a motive. Always. No one spends time and energy keeping someone down or trying to make them look nuts unless it is benefiting some group's interests in some way.

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