Sunday, February 28, 2010

overheating not just from computer

I don't know if this is just from the computer because I turned it off and still had problems. It was like I had a few problems with the computer this morning and then when someone got home it got a lot worse.

On the other hand, someone could have jacked something up more. But I don't think so. The other day, when this was happening, I could FEEL it stop as soon as I shut the computer down. It was like my body and heart cooled down almost instantly.

So I know that it had something to do with the computer. However, when I turned it off here today, and then just sat in the same position, I could still feel the overheating and my muscles twitching underneath.

Now it's stopped again. About 5 minutes after I wrote this last part. I think it stopped on the computer end but I'm wondering about other possibilities too.

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