Sunday, February 28, 2010

Photos From Dominican Republic & Other

I accidentally got the one of W.Virginia in again but the others are from The Dominican Republic. There are more in storage. I like the one of the woman with the girl (I wrote the names of all her kids on the back of the photo. She gave it to me and I didn't realize then that it was one of her few possessions and someone told me later, so I couldn't return it, but it made it even more special to me, that she would be so generous as to give me a family photo which was only one of few.

These are on the beach with one of my most loyal friends, Kristen; with some of my favorite kids to ever be a nanny for (faces are mainly blocked so this is fine, a & s); with my best friends on cross country team and also mugs; and my friend Lutz, from Germany, who posed for me for art photo (these are a couple contact prints but i have others which are much better, just not with me).

The following are of me as a sophomore in high school, me going to a dance in high school with my good friend lenny, me and my friend anitra when we were about 4 years old, on my birthday, me and my cousin Char when we were 4 or 5 (by the water), and my brother and i when he was about 2 and I was 4.

One of the photos, of the box display, got in by mistake and I'll edit it out. It was taken for a reason but the others are of the Jersey Shore, the forest next to the house I bought (well, it was a park but looked like a forest and my house had this view), my
door, which I written psalm 139 upon sloppily (before painting later), and the view from a family cemetary in West Virginia.

I have most of my photos elsewhere, but I found a small book with a couple of photos from things I did in the past, and some are old photos of friends which I think I could try to post. I wouldn't put up newer ones of friends, but older photos seem to be fine, in moderation.

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