Saturday, February 27, 2010

Prayed For Major Disaster In Washington State

Today, I will admit and document, in case anything does happen, that I prayed for a naturally occuring, major disaster to hit the state of Washington, and I prayed it out of what I have been left with, with the corruption over this case and lying by not just people here but my own family. I prayed on behalf of my son, and it probably will not happen, of course, but I prayed a major earthquake would occur, or some other major devastation so that those who have become rich or even comfortable, and stood to the side doing nothing as my son suffered, will know what it is to lose something.

I don't feel I got any impression one way or the other, but I prayed it. And I hope it happens.

I don't really think anything is going to happen with some big tsunami in Hawaii or the Pacific NW but I think this shows there is always the possibility.


  1. do you realize that "anonymous" could be a different person on each comment? You live in Washington..your son is here too,right!? Why the hell would you wish for a disaster to affect the place you live? Wishing and praying for something like that is only going to bring more harm to you!! I am sure God is not taking your side and wanting 1000s of people to be hurt or killed because you think they have harmed you and your son!! Stop reading into everything, the world does not evolve around you and your conspiracy theories!!

  2. Hi Anonymous.

    I understand your concern.

    For an explanation, see my comment to the post next to this one, about "everytime i try".

    Thank you for writing.

  3. A disaster did happen just like you prayed for!

    Your still blogging!

    Signed: Anonymous,
    no not that anonymous the other one.

  4. Hi Anonymous,

    Maybe. But at least people can discover with me, the bad stuff is out there in front, and the better parts of me are not used to manipulate others or put on false front for my personal social climbing. At least, people can trust me. My skeletons are dangling before me, not behind me in a closet of surprises.

    I know it's not PR savvy, but I'm not a fake. I say my bad things out loud but behind it I have a very sincere heart and do more good than I speak about in public. I think there is nothing wrong with being human and transparent to some degree because others can relate to that.

    I'm not running for political office. I'm in the running for my son and to be an authentic representation of who I am, faults and all.

    When I wasn't blogging, which I quit for awhile, I had even worse things happening to me and my son. That's when I was being poisoned and assaulted in Seattle and Bainbridge and my son at the same time from a distance. I also see no point to concealing what my lawyer has done or the people here do with regard to my case.

    Keeping it quiet hasn't produced better character, it just allows the corruption to go unnoticed. It may still be unchecked, but it's out there for the public to read about at least, and for the right people, if they ever care, to get involved or interested.

    My "disasters" were occuring long before I ever blogged. Blogging actually brought me out ahead and saved my life and reputation several times. So then others go and try to tear this down again and try to push or pressure from other angles, to provoke me.

    My responses and reactions are unbelievably conservative given what I and my son have been made to go through. I would say I've done exceptionally well under the circumstances and I don't think everyone would hold up so well.

    The disasters I've prayed for haven't happened and I can still say, sincerely, that I do hope they happen, and that's being honest and saying I do not take matters into my own hands or return evil for evil but that I leave it to God to decide and pray he will avenge me and my son.

    I am proud of my son and his bravery, I am proud of myself and what I've done and tried to do, and I'm proud of my God and believe I'm on the right side of things. I hate corruption and there is something good about that.
