Sunday, February 21, 2010

Problems With Computer Again

I started having problems with the computer again as I was typing out my visit and then loading the photos of the food I was given and I'm still having issues with this. I've done some research on international webcam streaming so I will be making a selection very soon and getting the cam up and then just taking care of my regular business.

I will address all comments from last night, today, and awhile ago (sorry, sectoral heterochromia people) very soon. Right now I'm having to get some things together and publish a few more details about what happened in Bainbridge and Seattle. I haven't finished that yet!

I also need to upload all of my email to my lawyer, asking for help, because it will show nothing was ever done on my case, for over 4 months. AND I was blocked from even gathering documentation I needed for my case because they told me I couldn't use their phone or fax to send out release of information requests and other things.

Also, I'll have to find out who Travis is, or if he's the one I'm thinking of.

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