Friday, February 26, 2010

royal articles

looked up a couple of news articles today, on everyone in royal fam. not sure what I think anymore. i noticed this one, and something funny must have been said but not everyone is laughing. i sometimes hope, for diana's sake, that her hard work has not been lost, in teaching her sons to stay above the fray and refusing to be a part of a system she despised, which also abused her and in the end, where her simple protests ended in her death. this photo isn't that interesting and is not the source of my comments, but this is something i have been wondering for some time. if diana's work was in vain and her wishes for her boys were unravelled and undone to some degree. I say this, but I'm not trying to be harsh either. It's hard to know what's going on when you don't know someone personally or speak with them.

i almost think even charles has his doubts at times anymore. i read about the queen's escapes of the last two days and how her car didn't start. which was weird but maybe not really, if it was the same time my son was yelling "start your engines!" on the other side of the world, the queen's chauffeur is trying and queen ends up in the police car. i don't know. i really do not like how everything is made into something or the gaming but it feels like society is just one big game anymore and has lost substantive meaning.

i like what fergie is doing. i like her and think she weathered a lot and did it on her own and respect her for that. i think too she is one of few who has serious doubts that di's death was just an 'accident'. i don't think she'll ever speak on it though.

with william, it seems like he's trying. with harry, i felt he was trying to do something different and then got lost somewhere. or maybe not and i just don't read the photos right. anyone could be playing to cameras just to play to them as well. there is joking and then there is mockery and i'm not sure which it is he prefers i guess. maybe there's been an influence, i don't know. on one hand, he seems to look out for william's blind spots and then william seems to do the same for him, so it's good they have eachother. i wonder if at some point they will part on differences though, or if they will grow together torwards a common goal.

i haven't looked up their girlfriends since they're not part of the family and don't interest me as much. however, first i wondered if all my son's talk about cake was from my comments about mk-ultra, and then i read, by accident, kate and her brother are starting a cake business.

my head reeling. i started to panic, (just kidding kind of) wondering if all of my thoughts about cake and wanting to eat cake, and thinking about cake out of the blue, were from the mk-ultra thing about cake or somehow intercepting something else. because i had been thinking about cake before i ever saw that mk-ultra clip. it was just on my mind all the time, suddenly. i wondered if, since i sometimes pray for the family, things about kate snuck in and got mixed up in my thoughts. and then, to my great annoyance, my song starts wanting to make cake at every single frickin' visit. i was sorry i ever brought cake up. hey, maybe i'll play a song by cake.

so for the last MONTH or a little less, it's been shopping for cake this and baking a cake that, and feeding cake to the animals, and what kind of cake this time and what kind of cake next, and mama bring me cake and then the day when he was seriously stuck on cake phrases and it worried me.

thank god. THANK YOU JESUS!!!!!! he didn't talk about cake today!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOOOORRaaaaay. There was one brief moment where he was talking about a princess in the house, which I'll get to when I detail my visit, and i said, "What is she doing in the house honey?" and I swear to God, I was thinking, "please, don't let her be making cake." I don't like having to write about the days when, well, one day, right after I had mentioned in my blog I had an impression or dream about the queen with a blue ribbon of some kind, I showed up for the visit the next morning and what does my son do? he picks up this horse magnet and then a frickin' blue ribbon magnet, and says, "Mama what is this?" and I'm going on, explaining what a blue ribbon is, and thinking how in the world and how I am not going to write about that because it sounds like I am attempting to entangle my own life with theirs in some way. But that blue ribbon thing happened and I think the monitor wrote about it but I didn't talk about it until now. So I didn't want to have a whole princess thing going and then get into cake all over again. but luckily, my son said nothing about cake all day. I started to think maybe she was using cake business as a cover for trying out cakes for her wedding. i didn't/don't know. I think she probably has a hard time of it sometimes. Maybe it's hard for her to get other work because people don't give her a chance either, because they don't want her to succeed outside of the family business. I don't know. It might not be all that easy for her. I just know that at the last visit, when he brought up cake, I decided to steer that conversation into other foods as well, in a restaurant, because it was starting to bother me, all this cake talk. So where's my cake song, to hopefully put an end to the cake talk from my son for a long time?

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