Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sad Energy

I felt positive energy today, and there have been no problems so far, but after I posted my note to my son, maybe someone read it and felt sad and I picked up on that. Or possibly, something else happened in the world which made others sad, I don't know.

But cheer up.

I might try to do a cold reading, looking at a photo, but I really don't think this is one of my talents. I feel I get better information when it just comes to me, sort of from God, or spontaneously, or if I'm praying and someone comes to mind, or in person. I have no idea how well I do with cold readings. I was staring at Leon Panetta's photo and later it seemed like all the info matched Bill Clinton, so who knows. But it's fun to try and not take too seriously unless I get confirmation I'm right or wrong.

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