Sunday, February 14, 2010

Shitty Comment About Missing Girl: Wake Up Call To Wenatchee

I have received another shitty comment to my blog, attacking me, and I responded to it. I guess the missing girl's body was found, but I don't know when.

The girl did look familiar to me and I will have to look at photos more closely, but it's a small town so people run into people all the time.

I read The Wenatchee World article about her or the body they found. I don't know why they won't identify her. It seems like the only reason not to would be if you couldn't tell it was her face or not. Whoever the woman is, if she's fully clothed by the water, it doesn't sound like a rape thing. At least not to me. That's human speculation again, not "psychic insight".

What I find shocking, is reading the words of Jerry Moore, Chelan County detective. He's going to "find the monster." Well, what better way to find a monster than with another monster. I have had to deal with Jerry Moore directly, and I believe, if I'm not mistaken, he is one of the detectives who smirked at me saying they were going to do nothing about my son. I believe he also wrote up some very crazy sounding reports about me even before I tried to leave the area with my son, when I was trying to report all the vandalisms to my car and property.

Jerry Moore, from what I've witnessed myself, is a monster himself.

You have corrupt police who are really eager to police for specific persons and groups, who are not fair to everyone. As for whether he would be on the side of this girl's family or not, I've no idea, as he may just be adding drama and trying to sound more incensed than he really is, to make a better front for all the people coming into the area from out of state and FBI.

What happened to this girl, is gang related. I could tell you that, just by seeing where the body was positioned, and it was to send some kind of message.

Which group, I've no idea. But it sickens me to see how a whole SWAT team comes out for one girl, but no one does a thing about my son or other children who are marginalized whom I might not know about. These people pick and choose who they want to torture and who they want to protect and then they act "shocked", yes, even "outraged" at the "monsters" when they know the town is full of monsters who go under the radar every single day.

A lot of people suffer because of the way this town is run and the corruption with the police and law enforcement.

The entire town runs off of this and then they act really shocked when it's a visible crime or unmistakable injury or death. They cover up all kinds of harm to my son, and to others, with goes under the radar because they're using non-lethal weapons and equipment, and then everyone pretends to be really surprised someone is dead from a more obvious homicide.

It's not going to get better. It will get worse.

You cannot expect to turn a blind eye to sadists all the time and then think there will be no consequences or that this isn't breeding an environment where more violence will occur.

If this was a black girl, or even a hispanic girl, or maybe just an ugly or not very attractive girl, there wouldn't be 30 members of law enforcement and a D.C. profiler flying out here, with tons of helicopters besides. If this were the child of someone a lot of law enforcement really hate, it wouldn't happen either. Case in point--my son.

The tragedy is not that this one life sends a message, but the real tragedy is that the real "monsters" who get away with what they're doing every day, who have resources and connections and money, that these monsters, who group up with certain law enforcement persons...THESE monsters have free reign to terrorize others.

I asked for a lot of people to get over here and start investigating and protecting people in this town, and I see one female soldier walking along as if it's a mockery or a very sad statement about how seriously this is taken.

There will be civil war if what is happening here and happening to my son and others like me and my son, does not come to a stop. You cannot expect people to tolerate injustice indefinitely.

I hope people start naming others. I hope people get brave.

And I hope there will be accountability and justice for those who suffer.

I hope that her family will have peace and those doing the most harm in this town will be discovered and punished. I don't know if this girl is someone who was going to speak up (or maybe the daughter of someone who was speaking up) or was seeing a losing battle in general, or if she was used to send a message to further intimidate the weakest groups here or if it was to punish those who bully others, I don't know. I just know it's manifestation of the situation in Wenatchee, where everyone is a part of this group stuff, and they get their kids involved in it too.

I don't know what time she went missing, sometime last Tuesday, but the dog here at the house then "went missing" the next day. I made my post and I didn't even realize there was a young woman missing or I would have wondered.

I'll say one thing, for the number of police and FBI in the area, it seemed like more computer problems for me in general.

Here is the clip with a photo of the house by the river where she was found:

I've read comments that this is not the most likely place for leaving a body. It's not remote but in a congested area, at least to get there, and there are quieter places. Someone thought it was strange it was by a house for sale because her mother is a realtor and builder but I thought it was strange with the large statue of the angel or saint in front or whatever that is, but I can't tell for sure, and then positioned partway in the water. I looked up information about her family but just found something about her mom, a Wendy Cowell who works for Wendys construction. Some kind of business that does construction. Her mom won businesswoman of the year in Wenatchee. Here is the link:

The thought has come to me that if Mackenzie was meeting someone she trusted, it might have been someone in law enforcement. But I don't know.

I don't know if anything was done to her face and that's why they couldn't identify right away or if it's just a rule they have to follow, but when I was thinking of images the other day, I saw a lot of knives and cuts to other people. I also saw some man being forced to eat poop, or having it rubbed on his face, someone who has harmed my son maybe? I don't know, maybe someone good even who was attacked, but I couldn't see who, but I don't know who and I didn't write it down because I thought, maybe someone will think I know something when I don't. I didn't pray for that, clearly, but it came to ind when I was thinking or asking God if anything was going to happen because no one is putting a check on the "undercover" violence in this town and state.

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