Thursday, February 18, 2010

Joseph Andrew Stack News

Amy Bishop, I think, was an MK ULTRA victim. Every single account and aspect of what happened, to me, points to a sort of triggered but purposed act. She was one minute fine and the next minute, la femme nikita. I don't mean she's a victim as in the others are not, or that she should have sympathy, but still, after reading about Ted K, and how he was totally brainwashed and abused for research, at Harvard and then other colleges, how is this okay? I don't think of him as "evil" now, but a very sad person who was almost driven to abnormal extremes, for the purpose of research by the CIA. Bishop strikes me as someone who is principled but triggered, either by things she knew or, probably, from being an MK ULTRA victim.

Joseph Stack doesn't strike me this way. Maybe I'm wrong and I'd like to know what college he went to, but his actions seem different somehow and yet I think the media is largely downplaying and dismissing what he made his point or motive as. While he had used the IRS as an example, of what was the main source of his experience, he wrote much more about systemic issues and, if you read the last lines, the difference between communism and capitalism and dying for a cause. His actions were hardly motivated by "I hate the IRS". He could have flown into an IRS building you know. Hmmm, did he? I know it was federal but I don't know. I am surprised to read all the headlines about "IRS rampage" which are very simplistic. He really spent a lot of time on things, but there was much more to it. I think some reading between the lines in order here as well. I don't know, that's the feeling I get. He crashed the plane on Research avenue or something. I am wondering if there's weird stuff going on about research right now. I am sure it's true, positive in fact, but still curious.

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