Sunday, February 21, 2010

Stolen Passport Or ID

I just read this article about how the people who did this Hamas assassination used stolen passports which belonged to other citizens.

I don't believe my own problems are at all from such a thing, but MY passport was stolen in 2002 and I didn't report it missing until years later. I've never checked on any kind of ID theft but it seems highly unlikely anything happened other than just taking it.

It was the only thing taken out of my purse, along with my guitar. I don't think this is an issue at all, but I might try to make sure, after reading this article. How scary if someone thought you've traveled to a certain place or done something bad in your own name!

I swear, one of the suspects, the guy with glasses, on top left, I think I saw him in a dream but I believe maybe someone out in the world was looking at this photo and then I just saw him somehow. Who knows how this stuff works. Then, I think, but not sure, another guy too, but I believe he was someone who had such a sincere and nice demeanor but I have no idea. Not a good idea for me to look at these mugs because photos can be so different from a person up close. Everyone has someone who looks a lot like them.

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