Wednesday, February 3, 2010

"Sun Is Bound To Come Up" & Gang Violence & More License #s

I had this guy tell me "the sun is bound to come up". I wondered if I'd made a mistake again, because I took a ride from someone I've seen often who is known in town, but that doesn't mean anything. Everything I do has been made out to mean something for my son.

I went to take a photo of some bruising and things appearing on my hand, where blood is pooling in certain spots more than others, in one vein in my hand in particular, and the camera function was gone or "invisible" It showed no preview at all or that there was a camera still working. So I hit "take a picture" anyway, and it took a photo of me, which I deleted. It won't allow me to get the feedback and see what I'm photographing.

I've been fine all day except this laptop has had the excessive energy thing going, which has affected my heart, caused twitching in my body, and heating, as it has in the past. I've had others confirm this happens, so it's not my imagination.

What's strange, is that when I reported my left thumb being practically shriveled up from something to do with my computer, I think I ate something at one of the housemate's houses, and all of a sudden, my thumb and skin was back to normal. I knew I had been given something because it corrected overnight. It had been that way for almost a month and then all of a sudden, was perfectly normal again.

If you look at it now, you would never know. At the same time that my skin was drying out and cracked in some places or shriveled, I saw the same thing happen to my son. My son came to one visit with a very strange kind of shriveling on his face, like he'd been totally dehydrated or practically cooked, and then at the next visit he was fine, his skin was back to normal.

He's told me sometimes he's made to drink something he doesn't want to drink or eat something he doesn't want to eat.

It might be happening at daycare, I don't know.
I know some things that have happened to me and my son are very suspicious for government/military activity. Things will happen and then an "antidote" will be given. It's happened to me and my son both.

My son has also been brainwashed and I feel it's possible someone wanted to see how my son and I react to things, apart from eachother.

I have no doubt in my mind, whatsoever, that the Department of Defense is involved.

However, there is a separate issue of actual gang violence where people in the state offices and in the community have technology that the military has, but they use it for their own disparate means. People here have been given small hand-held technology, and they have also used other forms of technology and because I can't believe our government would actually encourage distribution of such weapons within this country, I feel it is those who are involved in gangs and also military who are passing resources back and forth and there is probably very high potential for a strong black market in Wenatchee for such technology...I would guess, even in the general State of Washington.

I have seen women, adult, grown women use this technology, attorneys here, military, and some medical professional at the Clinic. If they do this blatantly, to my face, of course something happened to my son which was much worse, a year ago or more. Someone wanted to have us tortured and eventually dead.

One woman and a few others were "testing" some things out on me while I was in Bainbridge Island and in Seattle. In Seattle, a man in military uniform actually approached me after one such incident, but in Bainbridge I figured it was straight up gang violence, and yet even this pretty blond woman, young, was involved, and what was really sick, is that she was getting off on it.

Some of these people have displayed such sadistic behavior, truly sadistic, it is almost as if causing others to suffer gives them, not to be perverse, but striving for accuracy...masturbatory. The kind of pleasure and satisfaction I've witnessed, has been really weird.

I had so many things happen to me in Bainbridge and Seattle, there is no doubt in my mind, it would have been very advantageous to have me discredited and locked up in a psych ward. I am not kidding. A LOT of things happened to me which I haven't even covered yet.

As for other things which Wenatchee gets an odd kick out of...Well, I couldn't get online today, at any Wenatchee establishment and they all claimed it was a new problem. Except for Kenny, at Bison Bagel, who told me "I tried 3 times and if it's not good enough for you, maybe it's not going to work for you." Whatever he said. Then I went to the library even and they didn't want me to be able to get online.

I have been to the library twice recently, where some librarian decided to spend a lot of time setting up bizarre displays. I'm not kidding. If you only knew what I have to deal with here.

It was something like 2 weeks ago, I was on my way to the library to get books for my son and had told people I was going there. I get there, to the children's section, and you know, there are sometimes displays with themes and then random assortments. The display I saw was not random and it was beyond weird. Some librarian had put all of these books together which reflected things my son and I had done in our last visit, and a bunch of royalty and bees books, and then put in books, well, who in their RIGHT mind (people think I'M nuts?) would do this...someone had taken a book and then covered both sides of the book so that only the phrase CAM on the top line and then CIA were showing on the bottom line. I looked again, and it wasn't like the books randomly covered, and then they were next to these "spy" books but this phrase was made out. I stared and just thought, "You have to be kidding me". Then, I saw the librarian for children just sitting there, glancing over now and then and then laughing to herself.

I really wish a few real spies would go in and bite these idiots on the ass. They have no clue.

So today I go in, and I'm standing at the counter, and some librarian had set up all these books in a row and then was just sort of laughing to herself and looking at me. When I pretended to take a quick photo, after I'd already taken a pen to write down all the titles, her smile dropped and she looked nervous and left and then I was told I couldn't use the internet there.

The titles were, left to right:
Castle (a DVD); Robert Barnard's "Divine Flames"; Gardening Where It Counts; George Washington; Japanese; John Grisham's "Ford County" (a compliation of 7 stories); McCreatin's "Death Of A Valentine"; Elizabeth Gilbert.

It was like a compilation of suggestions about royalty things I've talked about, and the military technology people use here in criminal fashion to cause heating of the body and a burning sensation, a nod to the japanese subject in "The Cove" where I compared Wenatchee to the Japanese, the number 7 again, which keeps coming up with people here, and I thought it strange the death of a valentine thing, and then elizabeth gilbert. The thing is, most normal people from out of the area or who haven't been obsessively following my blog like they have nothing else to do, wouldn't even notice. But the people here have played mind games and have followed directions to go to bizarre lengths to do so. If I didn't have some of the documentation I have, maybe people would find it hard to believe. But everything I've written about, with state actions, is true.

I was looking at my hand again and while I've noted some new minor bruising on my body, I think this darker blue blood pooling spot is maybe from having a needle in for the IV for MRI. I just thought of this. It wasn't blue yesterday or any day before, so why now? but I think this is might be it. In general I feel fine, except for when the computer was overworking and this caused twitching in the muscles bc they become heated. After I blogged about it, sometime after, it stopped. The laptop has been on, all this time and yet it's cooled down 300% or more. It's also not practically buzzing and humming.

I think I noticed a variety of cars on my way over, in color. It was more of a pattern of plates, and a lot of people were wearing green. It's been green lights here, green shirts, and everything green. After I stopped in at a business to use the phone, I said, "What is the date today?" and he said, "Feb. 3rd". I said, "Is there any reason why you have Christmas things all over your bathroom?" He said yes, it was probably time to take it down. There was nothing Christmas-y in his sitting room at all, or anywhere else, just the bathroom.

After I left his business, all the cars lining up were red, green, and silver or gold. Two specific examples: Outside of the Bison Bagel, parked facing the business, were the following cars in this order, right to left, green, silver, red. License plate #s to confirm this is true: 209 RVO (green sedan), 663 YRZ (BMW), 375 UYU (Ford SUV). Walking up a little bit, was a UPS truck, A55210W, but I'm sure it was normal delivery. I wrote the plate down anyway in case I got a group of 8 or something and wanted to show how many.

I then walked to the library after I was told it wasn't working (3 times), and I was walking that direction and cars pulled in or were there, and more than half red, green, and gold or silver and then all day, the other color combo was black and white I guess. But there was a green Subaru 822 WAQ, a red SUV 565 XIQ, and a green sedan with 955 RQP and a San Francisco license plate frame and sticker. I didn't note this in some normal parking lot, they were parked right in front of the library in a very small area of a turn around.

Walking down the sidewalk, within a two block zone from the sidewalk lining to the courthouse to the clinic (on Orondo, which is the way I walk to get back to my house): 954 UFQ (red SUV); 086 NYQ (green sedan); 443 XSX (silver sedan); 174 WMR (silver jeep); 793 XHT (red SUV). 213 UFQ (red truck); 486 XYO (silver sedan); A591172 WA (green). 685 RPJ (green SUV); 171 YEA (silver SUV); A28164X WA (gold truck); 404 XIQ (red sedan); 820 XNV (green sedan). As I walked by these cars, a black truck drove by slowly, with the driver totally laughing, with Oregon plates which were 052 BYE. 579 TFB (gold SUV); A75040T WA (turquoise green truck); 133 XHT (red sedan).

When I write these down, this is the order in which they're lined up. No other cars around or other colors. So no, I do not think I'm "paranoid" or imagining things and everyone knows I'm not, but for the benefit of those who are not living here, no, these are real cars, and this is really what happens almost every single day. It is not strange for me to notice. What is strange is that I never noticed it before until a couple months ago. On another day, the town might have every single blue and white and yellow car on the road or parked up in a line, sans all red and any other color. This is nothing, besides. There have been far worse things or more dramatic things than this. My question is, "Why do people care about me this much? about spending this amount of time and energy and money into just screwing with me?" It takes time and energy to do this, and everything that is done in the town has been centered around whatever my actions are. In Seattle, it was similiar. On the East Coast too, but I didn't think about it as much. It really seems like all of this is only for the purpose of occupying others and just harassing me. There are some who are friendly, but there's a lot of harassment. I also feel there's been a larger group behind most of this, more than one group, working together but for different reasons and motives.

On my way to see my son this morning, there were a lot of cars. There have been a lot of bulldogs here and there some days too, and I didn't know why but then I saw the bulldog on the Gonzaga guy's sweatshirt and I wondered if this was why. Because some days, every frickin' lab in town comes out and then it's all golden retrievers and there have been bulldog days. The labs have always come accompanied with a bunch of "WIJ" license plates.

Today, a ton of UFD or UFT plates but I didn't make note unless someone was really harassing. Several "SAH" plates. At least 4 or 6 "TIN" plates (011 TIN and 515 TIN for just 2 examples). Various Oregon plates too, more than usual, including a 088 DVF OR. Tons of smug looks on the way back when I didn't have a visit. On the way over was an RC Delivery truck, B175IA, and there was a semi truck too far away for me to get a plate but driving by very slowly on a road past the federal building, and it was "Spokane Produce" and green and white. There were several ambulances, and many Columbia trucks for transportation, harassment from a truck speeding by, WA 3669759, a guy picking his ear dramatically, wanting me to notice (I guess bc I wrote I had an image of this VA guy picking his ear with his finger) and that guy had his truck decked out with red, white, and green stuff hanging from the rearview mirror and his WA plates were B64153L. An Abbey pizza car. I saw a lot of nuns today too. I thought they were muslim women with their heads covered, but they were some of the nuns. It may have been they just ended up out there at the same time. The visitation monitor, Anne, drove by when I was walking back after not having a visit with my son. A "Buy American, Buy Local" truck and then a truck with a bunch of American flags streaming by. Also an apple valley pumping service. More horse trailers all over, including O879 PC, and another semi truck, "Eagle United".

It was actually much more toned down with the semis and everything. More of, just cars and trucks but tons of mocking and harassment. Only a few normal people out there. Also, not so much activity with the U.S. vehicles either. Not as much as usual.

Some who kind of went out of their way to harass maybe: 497 RUD (woman), 291 YOV (woman), 539 YML (woman), 570 ZUK (man), 136 SAB (man) but this wasn't all. There were so many more and probably the worst I didn't get. I only got the ones I remembered and then I gave up bc there were so many. It's toned down, the noticeability has, but the harassment is sort of worse. I wanted to give a specific example of what I see, just a small bit, in case some outside of the area don't believe me, unless this happens everywhere I don't know. I do know that all of this isn't just centered around ME and my life. Here, my every move and word is followed and used.

Someone came on yahoo messenger last night and I didn't even answer it or write in, because whatever I say goes out to a ton of people and it's not a private conversation. I have also noticed that I've found my son with new marks on his body or ill, after the same night I'm having this conversation and I don't know what this is about. I figured, since someone popped up, something might be wrong with my son and I didn't want to have a non-private public conversation. Despite not having a conversation, about 10 of the plates going by me today were UYU. I wouldn't notice and wonder if there weren't so many. This messenger's avatar is "simply me me". I'm tired of having conversations which go out to the entire community and too many people here are interested in getting paid or rewarded for information about me, for me to find many friends. My friends are people I knew when I was younger who knew me for me and know I'm the same person now.

No one is even aware yet, of what happened in Seattle and Bainbridge, but I'm still thinking about things.

With all the attention I get, which is actually quite remarkable, I would like to bring attention to other things. Which is incredible, because with all the efforts gone to trash me, instead of people being disinterested, there's more interest I guess. The main issue is that some are just not willing to allow the most natural and simple thing to happen, to have my son with me, and all this time has been used against me, to block my son and I from justice.

So in a way, I recognize I have a kind of power in the amount of publicity or notice I get. It is incredible. But it's so misplaced to spend all this energy on me and I would have thought the rational thing was to be honest and in good faith, clear up this custody mess and give my son the visitation he wants, and the mother he wants to be with.

They say there is no such thing as bad publicity. I think there is and I know what it is to be defamed and trapped and locked down, and in that sense, powerless, and yet at the same time, I am realizing the extent of my power.

I have had moments where I felt flattered and felt that sense of "power" as in, good power and people were following me or liked me and were working WITH me to get my son back or in other ways. I have felt, very briefly, that sense of what is possible and what "power" really is. But when I have felt it rise up and been tempted to enjoy something I don't believe in, simply because things are going my way, I feel that sense of guilt and responsibility. To bring myself down in that instant that I feel what many feel and it is something that rewards in its own way, even without money. That sense of place or importance. But what I feel, is that I cannot turn into what I rally against. I feel honored to be respected in any sense, on my own merit, but not because someone has told others to respect me. In other ways, I feel good about being myself and true and human. My faults are many and many can see this, but I don't have a dark corner in my closet. If I hide things away, it is more of the good, and things I bring out only with the people I'm closest to or trust. My son, sees everything, but not even these monitors have any idea how we are together. What is wrong is that our contentment and happiness was disrupted by others who were jealous and vengeful and wanted us to suffer and even die. It was hard for us, and yet our bond is such that I can relate it to "What can separate us from the love of Christ?" Our bond is one which distance and time cannot break. Not even the full forces of Hell.

I love you Oliver.

You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. I want you to be free as I am today. One can be isolated and trapped and yet still be free in so many ways, because I choose this. I choose to be free and accountable to God alone.

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