Monday, February 8, 2010

Theft & Mischeif in The House & Missed UA

I have just more things happening. I came back today, after leaving my room tidy, and someone had come in and turned all of my Princess Di books down or totally turned them around, and put one children's book facedown too. These books were all upright this morning when I left the house.

I noticed this morning, that some of the hairpins to my curlers are gone so that I only have 5 left.

And yesterday or the day before, I noticed a piece of my hair in the front, is cut off and I didn't do it. It's like from a razor.

I know I didn't do this with the curler hairpins or the books, and I would wonder if I cut my own hair sleepwalking, but no, I don't believe I did. I know last night, when no one is supposed to be downstairs, or very early in morning, before anyone is supposed to be down here, I had set the sleeping bag out and it was gone during that time. So someone came and got it and I didn't hear them. I may be a sound sleeper and have some of these happen and I don't even know.

I was going to write about a scarf and some other things, but I think tomorrow as I'm tired today. If I can, I'll try to write about my visit with my son today.

We had a really good time and some things to share. However, I forgot to do a UA, even when I knew it was scheduled, because I was distressed about my son crying and bursting into tears in the visit, and I was extremely tired too and just forgot, I think, from exhaustion and ended up having to get a ride because I didn't feel well and I fell asleep when I was at the house.

So I think it's the first one I've missed, but I was there at the visit today and obviously not on drugs and fine, but I did forget today. However, I believe that this would not have happened if it were not for my concern about my son and that he is not getting increased visits as he wants, and also the fact that he told me my aunt and uncle are telling him to call THEM "mommy" and "dad".

At any rate, it will count as if I'm guilty of having it dirty but I will have to explain why I didn't remember and about my health of late, and I do know most people know I don't take any drugs, and I did a hair analysis to prove it. If I have to do another hair analysis I will.

I think, between finding out this morning that more of my belongings were stolen, and then also that someone is coming into my apartment when they're not supposed to be down here, combined with the emotional stress of writing about what has happened in Seattle and Bainbridge Island, along with hearing my son say some of the things he did, I think all these things and maybe abnormally low levels of potassium, took a toll. I read that lower potassium levels directly affects memory so I might have a good legimitate medical excuse, since I was just at the clinic and had abnormally low potassium again, which is rare I found out and causes fatigue, muscle weakness, and memory problems.

I am really too tired to do more writing tonight but I'm afraid if I don't write about the visit todAY I might forget some things. So I fell asleep when I was home and thought I was going to sleep through the night but I didn't have time.

I literally have a piece of hair that looks like its been cut and I'll try to get a photo and I'll add a photo of how I found the books this afternoon. As for someone stealing my curler pins and leaving only 5 behind, I can't prove it other than to say they're gone and not to be found somewhere else. I always put them in the same place and I've had them since I came back to Wenatchee or was on the East Coast, one or the other, and had all the pins when I moved into this house.

So anyway, I was told no one would be in my apartment except for the owner from 8-2 every day (which, had I known this was the case in the beginning I would have had reservations) and the other housemates on the weekend only. Despite this idea of "rules of privacy" someone came downstairs last night after I was asleep or early this morning before I was awake, and took the sleeping bag which I set outside my door, for someone to take back yesterday.

Someone thinks they're "King Saul" if they are coming into my room and cutting off little pieces of my hair. Or, oops, "David". Believe me, there are no "davids" here in the house

So I've had a Red Bull and I'll continue to write...This girlfriend of the owner came in with a scarf that was basically identical to the pink scarf that I admired, which the painter of William & Harry's portrait wore. Not kidding. What's strange about it, is that one of the housemates wanted to know details of exactly which scarf it was I liked and from what photo or article and then she's wearing it. Then right after I wrote about having an idea come to mind that Diana was "holding 3 CDs" at the time of her death, this woman leaves a CD thing on the counter where I would see it, and there isn't a CD player in the whole house.

I was thinking, I keep having things stolen from me, and definitely stolen from this house, as has happened in other locations, and I don't have enough money for buying surveillance stuff. Even if I did, if no one could see what was going on, I think these kinds of people would go right in and just take it and steal that too.

SO, I had a very good idea.

Is the disappearance of my things a result of psi? or a result of a faulty memory? I have decided that well, who knows! maybe some psychic is causing my things to disappear. I had thought it was theft but for all know, with all the energy and my own gifts, it might very well be that things are moving by themselves and in the spirit or psychic research and phenomena, I will put up a webcam.

I read some guidelines for cams and they'll allow free streaming as long as it's not solely used for surveillance, and since I have so much to share with others, in the psychic realm, I think I can begin some formal objective research.

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