Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Trying To Get Different Lawyer

Even if I didn't get much done with the last lawyer, by comparison, at least there was some "product" and I wasn't banned from using the office resources.

I am trying to go back to the other lawyer because even if I didn't agree with everything, I got a lot further in one month with her than in 4 months with this other guy who even keeps lying to me about things.

He said they cannot withdraw termination and they can, especially if I can show good cause with all my medical records, explaining why I couldn't get back to Wenatchee sooner, and show all the attempts I've made and how I've been blockaded.

The other thing is that a couple family members said lousy things about her so she might be willing to go against them if necessary, where my lawyer has only done favors for their lawyer.

I just wonder if he and Kyle Flick know eachother because Kyle is my aunt and uncle's and the family lawyer, and there are not very many Jewish people in town, so they must know eachother. There are so few, there isn't even a meeting place for gathering at all so I am wondering if knowing Flick or Chris Rozollo is playing into this at all. Because there is just no excuse for what has happened and it was like whenever something went wrong for me, he seemed glad about it and if something good happened, he didn't like it. He was NERVOUS about when I might be getting financial aid money, like he never wanted me to get ahead.

I think that because I have so many medical records which made it impossible for me to get some things done, I have a good chance, and I also have been trying to jump through all the "hoops" but no lawyer has been assisting with this in any reasonable manner.

The thing that was very wrong, when I was with this other woman, was she helped get my audio taping of visits blocked, but then for 4 months, my new lawyer has done nothing to put in an argument against it, and now they just want to terminate. I think at least with her I wouldn't have been blocked from any legal resources at all, like fax and phone.

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