Friday, February 19, 2010

Very Sad & Heavy Energy

My son is supposedly sick with the same cold he's had, so can't be contagiious, but was thrown back into a daycare where he has said the lady is mean to him, while his visit with his mother was ordered cancelled. Again. In the last few months, our visitation time was reduced from 4 hours a week to 2 hours a week from visits cancelled last minute, and always, always, after I either got into an argument with my aunt or wrote something about either them or a CPS person.

I have had a decent sense of energy for awhile now but this morning it was really off. I worry about my son, who someone has had access to, and I am concerned about the state of affairs with some U.S. government persons.

I cannot imagine it does any good for the U.S. to have people representing this nation in various offices, who have done some of the horrible thigns that have been done. What good does it do the U.S.? Other people hear about the response or lack of response I'm getting and it only makes other nations and people in the U.S. already who have been through similiar things, feel defeated. It's unprofessional and affects the morale in general. I talked with a friend about this last night.

All night last night my computer was really overworking and someone was doing something. I wondered, because it was so strong, if it was something else, but when I turned it off, it quit and I realized, no, this really is happening by somehow using the computer as a conduit for something else.

I also thought it was strange what was going on with my t.v. channels and then the phone yesterday.

I also worried about someone else last night. I'm afraid, a little bit, and concerned about someone's health and wish we could talk. I might be wrong, but I think I intuited something and I really care and I would like to be there but I have no idea how it would be possible. There are so many things I'd like to talk about.

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