Monday, February 8, 2010

VERY Strange Coincidence With Son

I will write about my visit with my son, but first, there is something that happened at the end of our visit, which I cannot make heads or tails of. I would be tempted t say it was a sign but I don't believe in randomness like that, and think it was more coincidence. However, it was very strange.

I took this craft kit to the visit. It is FULL of beads and feathers and "smuzzys". My son dumped the box out, and they were ALL over the floor. All different colors: green, yellow, purple, brown, pink, blue, orange, etc. Tons of stuff spread randomly throughout the room.

I wasn't going to clean until after the visit when he was gone, so it doesn't take up our time together. So he left, and his last words there, "Make sure you clean this Mama!" and he went into the other room. All of a sudden, I realized he had left this pom pom ball with eyes glued all over it behind. So I grabbed it and put something to wedge in the door so I could get back into the visit room without it locking. I went to the other state office, and said to him, "Oliver, you forgot your eye thing!" so he said thank you and took it and we kissed and I said I would see him later. When he saw me, too, before I gave him the eyeball thing, he said, "Look Mama, I forgot to give you these, here." He handed me one of the smallest pink smuzzys and one tiny oval shaped yellow bead. The smuzzy was to the left of the yellow bead in his hand, and behind it.

You will NOT believe what happened next. I still can't believe it.

I went back into the visitation room and started just grabbing all the stuff all over the floor and put it in the sack and then in the kit. I just randomly grabbed stuff, of course, just as much as possible and as quickly as possible.

I got all of them picked up and then I moved a bag. The monitor had not been back in that corner, at all. There, it appeared, the last smuzzys left, out of that whole room, there, to the left was one of the smallest smuzzys, and it was pink. Next to it, to the right, was one of the little oval yellow beads. They were next to eachother in the same position I saw them in my son's hand when he gave them to me. They were the same distance apart and everything.

Out of all the beads, and shapes of beads (some are stars, some circles, some ovals, some flowers, some butterflys, etc) and all the sizes and colors of smuzzies, the ones left there in the same way that they were in my son's hand, were right there on the floor. That was one stalled, shocked, and blinking moment.

I don't know if it was the ones my son gave me or the ones I then found, but I put them in my backpocket of my jeans.

The odds are really out there, for this to have happened. I guess only God knows, how this was lined up, I mean, how exactly identical the position of the bead and pom poms were, it was like the imprint of the photo from my son's hand went right to the floor, and I noticed because I saw no other pom poms left.

Then, after this and I grabbed my bag, I picked up my other bad and found two more things, but in random distance, and one was the smallest of the orange smuzzies, and then the last one I found was a yellow star bead. And that was it.

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