Monday, February 22, 2010

Visit With Son (Boat Miracles & Butterfly Hairpiece Remembrance)

Whatever happened with my son last week, was good. I guess he was getting over his cold, but there wasn't any bizarre acting out or weird stuff. He sounded stuffy, with cold, but actually, where he had been looking really bad, he looked totally different today, even WITH the cold. I just wonder who is getting to him. I do think he may have suffered from what I was suffering from, but in general, I didn't notice speech issues, or memory lapses, although there was this strange baby behavior at first, like someone told him to play like a baby? but he said he saw a baby so that may have been it.

It has been weird. I don't know what the struggle has been, if people hurt him when others are trying to do good, so that it makes someone look bad or keeps pressure on me to try to figure it out. I don't know. But he looked healthier, no circles under his eyes like he slept.

However, maybe it was just the last day or two was better. Because my son said he had been throwing up. The virus going around isn't a throw up virus. He told me he had "mocas in my tummy" and I asked what that meant and he said he enacted throwing up. So I tried to give him an alternate term too--throw up.

My uncle said he had slept last night, but maybe it was the first time in awhile.

I have the same cold he has, but it doesn't come with throwing up and it's very unusual that on top of everything else, he would be throwing up. But he did look better in general and not so tormented.

He was SO happy to see me. So happy, and just giggling and laughing out loud. He ran around the legs of the monitor, hiding and laughing. Just laughing and SO happy to see me.

I pushed him on the car for a little while and he loved this. He put the gear forward and I went forward and then I tried to go backwards but he didn't want to. He wanted to wait until he had shifted the gears again and then allowed me to back up. In proper order of course.

First my son wanted to play with the caterpillar and have him eat something so I had cake with me and my son pretended to feed the the caterpillar and Maggie the Crocodile. Next, they were going to go hiking and fishing and he wanted them to go fishing in the river first (his choice). So we tied some string onto the end of a paintbrush and it was so long I said we'd have to be fly fishing. So they fished and the caterpillar was eating fish and then my son wanted to pretend I was being gobbled up by the caterpillar and I fell over, as he wanted me to do.

So he thought this was funny and laughed and the CASA guy Rob was there. Then after this he wanted the animals on the mountain so I had them on the mountain and he brought out cars for them. I sang the Snow White dwarf working song and we went up the mountain and then had the animals learning how to drive cars for transporting the jewels. So we had cars going down the mountain, picking up jewelry, and coming back up and then he wanted them to all have something so they had necklaces, and bracelets, and a broach for the scarf and a special ring. After this he took them over to the other large boat, a huge boat, and they were there with the caterpillar and it was very cute because he wanted the anchor down but the chickie to drive. I said, "If the anchor is down, the boat cannot move". But he insisted on having it down. I told him again, we had to put the anchor up if we wanted the boat to move. I said, "We're being blocked from going anywhere Oliver."

And then he reached over, and instead of putting the anchor up, he pulled the boat. He has never done this before, ever. He dragged this huge shipping boat toy all the way across the room to the mountain (which was a table). I thought this was actually ingenius or symbolic, to me. It doesn't matter if the anchor is down, he said with his actions, I will move this boat. So he pulled it all the way over and then I said, "Wow, I'm very proud of you. You got thins to move when it looked impossible," or said something like that. He nodded and looked at me seriously.

So then he had these cars on the mountain and brought them all out, and he said the yellow and pink one had a mom and dad and 2 kids and things in the storage. And put the kids in the car, and things in storage. Then he brought out a blue car and white car and had them as friends, or I said this and then the purple, turquoise, and white car, and I said this was for a mama and her boy. So he liked this car the best. He moved them to the boat and then had the animals going down below and I said they were having crackers, cheese, and brie and he said, "No, they're not eating." So I said, "Okay, they're playing pool and darts." And he said, "Look at this," and pointed to the life preserver and said yes, this was for rescuing people.

Then, I said the animals might like to have a story read to them. I had brought in Winnie the Pooh, The Little Engine That Could, Princess Di: The True Story, and the Bible. The Di book just to show him some photos. So he picked out The Little Engine That Could and he wanted to read it to the animals himself so first he read and then wanted me to read. So I did, about the engine that said I think I can and could. And then at the end, I said, "And I didn't think you could move this boat, but I guess you said I think I can and you did!" and I added, "Sometimes, we don't get what we want right away and it takes time, but we don't give up." He nodded.

So he had the cars all up on the mountain again and he said the Mama and Son car were going on a picnic and all the other cars and animals were "going swimming". So I made motions of swimming.

I had asked him, "Where is this car going?" and he said, "To the water" and then I would say, "Where is this car going?" and he said "to the water" and all of them, same thing, and I said, what are they doing there and he said, "Swimming". I guess, with life preservers on or something. I said, "Where is this car going with the Mama and son?" and he said, "On a picnic."

So then Maggie was fishing and caught a fish and my son had the caterpillar eating the fish. Then he brought out the horses and said, all on his own, that the strawberry snow horse was "Mama" and then the baby pegasaurus with the star mark was the "boy". Or he said Mama and baby. First all the horses played hide and seek with eachother and then he told me he went to Bianca's party, saw the baby, and he played with his friend Daniel.

At some point, I painted some fish for him, next to a sailboat. I sang "The Water Is Wide" and he said stop because he wanted to play more and had put the fishing line in the Mama and Boy's car and wanted to go. I explained to him what the song is about, that it's about friends who cannot get across the water by walking and it's too far too swim, so they take a boat." I also painted a scene of my son and I having a picnic next to a river. First I had some grass and a river and was drawing a tree but my son said he wanted to help and he made the great tree and I liked it so much I immediately set it aside and then I made another one which I gave to him, of my son and I with our hands together, his two hands in my two hands, sitting on his Cars blanket, under a tree by a river.

Then he had the Mama horse and Baby horse together and started neighing in a really sweet manner, the baby horse to the Mama. Then I said, "I know you're a sweet boy, yes, and a smart boy, yes, and a kind boy, yes, and ..." on and on and also I said "and I know you're a brave boy. You know I really know how brave you are. You have been through a lot and you are so brave and I am SO proud of you." and I went on, and he really paid attention but then he said to have the pony talking to eachother not just me to him. So then I said, "Where do you want us to go now?" and he said, "Home." and this time he meant home was with me.

I started walking the pony over to the playhouse and he said, "Wait for me!" and I said, "Okay! I'm waiting!" and he brought his pony over and the mama and boy went into the house together and then I said, "Do you want to sleep with Mama or in your own bed?" and he said, "I want to sleep with Mama." and then I said, "Okay, and we'll put the nightlight on". Then he said, "And you'll make breakfast for me!" and I said yes, I will make breakfast for you. I said, "You could make the toast!" and I said, "Do you like jam or butter on your toast?" and he said, "Butter." So then it was time to go so I made a calendar for him and he hugged me and cried and cried and said he didn't want to go. I said I knew. He said over and over and over, he didn't want to go and wanted to stay here with me. I think the monitor wrote that down. But she was already up and standing when he said he was hugging me and said he didn't want to leave. I said I knew, and not to worry, he was very brave and I was trying to find people to help us.

Oh, I forgot, he also brought swimming, I think, or having everyone swim and go to picnic, after I showed him the Princess Di book photos. I wanted to show him what I was working on, my project and since she is so much a part of my life in a certain way, I wanted to show him photos. So I asked if the animals wanted to see and he said yes. I showed him the first set of photos from the book Princess Di: The True Story.

He actually was very interested and enthralled, and the first photos were of her swimming and diving. I said, "Oliver, this is a very special lady that Mama is writing a book about, and I wanted to show you some photos." He was very interested, in her swimming and diving and I said, "This is her playing piano. And she liked to read, and this is Diana diving," and at that my son smiled and pointed. I said, "And look here, she is diving backwards...and this is very hard to do!" I said, "Here she is with a friend, and here she is playing tennis..."and on and then I said, "She has her hair in curlers here, and she liked being a little bit silly sometimes.." and then when I got to the page with Raine and her parasol, he decided he didn't want to see anymore. I think something about the umbrella bothered him. But he enjoyed seeing the photos for the most part and then said, "There's string in the car" and he showed me how he had put the fishing line in the Mama and Baby car so we could go fish.

He also used the anchor as a gas pump for the cars.

Then after the visit, he kept saying "Mama" over and over to the Mama pony and didn't want to move. He did not want to move at all, or leave me and he kissed me and kept saying he didn't want to go.

Then the monitor bent over and did something, I can't remember what and sort of made a point of having me see her jewelry on her wrist, which was a Catholic bead type rosary with red on it and then had a huge butterly she'd fastened to it. Basically, it was the same butterly that I had designed in an art shop back in high school. Almost exactly.

Which was sort of odd. I didn't think about it until later. I wondered why she wanted me to see the butterfly so bad. I was thinking, "What? because I painted a butterfly for Fr. Joachim? and he freaked out over it? (I still don't know why)" (it was a yellow butterfly and was given for Easter or around that time and It was after we'd had a discussion where he said he believed the church was always growing and I thought it was supposed to be like a butterfly such as born into something new the way Jesus was resurrected so the church went from being a caterpillar to a butterfly). I also don't know if it was intended to be some reference to the Monarch MK-Ultra program (which I wondered if this was to have me think, suggestively, because I'd already made reference and she knew it, and then I went to a restaurant where a couple had a Bloody Mary and Scotch and started bringing up "Monarch" over and over. That same couple, who brought up "Monarch" over and over, made a point of how she had "Look! I made a purse out of Levi jeans!" which was also deliberate. The other thing I thought is how the caterpillar becomes a butterly.

The weirdest part, in wondering why she wanted me to notice her rosary and this big butterly, was that I suddenly realized, "That is exactly like the butterly hair piece I designed in school."

I made an intricate wrought metal (bronze or copper, will have to remember) hair piece in art class when there was a jewelry section. It was a butterfly, and then had a metal pin to push through, the way I or some women use chopsticks or pens to put hair up. Well, this was a butterfly, the same size as the one on this monitor's wrist. It was the exact same type of design, size, everything, and the only difference was that it was affixed to her rosary or on some other bracelet, while mine was a hair piece that had two parts: the butterfly ornament which went on top of the hair, and the pin which was pressed through.

I had that hair piece until sometime after I was I met Christa Schneider, which was sometime after litigation with the Catholic church, because I remember, I met her after things were sort of going then and she had noticed it and asked about it. But I don't know when it was stolen, it just was. It was my favorite piece of jewelry and it was an original design.

I had to draw it out on paper and present the idea and then I had to craft the piece out of metal all on my own. I think it was high school because I believe my best friend made a bracelet or a ring. The piece I created was done in sort of an Art Nouveau style.

I keep wondering why this religious type of stuff is being pushed at me again, as if this is partly what it was all about and yet I've had others who are Jewish who haven't helped either or others who are Protestant who are aligned differently I guess. I don't get it. I cannot believe anyone would be so malicious after all this time if it is a combination of things. I just do not get it, and I have set aside my own personal wonders and upset over what happened but I wonder if some, not all, people never did? I don't know.

I saw the MI5 show again last night and was thinking even more.

The other thing I sort of wondered, which is probably highly unlikely, is if some police officer or someone who knows someone from the state, brought the boat in from that room, over the weekend or something and was telling my son to bring up certain things. I think this would be almost unimaginable but it crossed my mind someone thought, if I thought this looked like someone I had seen or if her family had done something good or bad with mine, if someone was trying to upset others, to enact a possible scenario involving a boat or, totally different, trying to get my son to say things in some kind of a dig when others were telling me to "keep swimming" or "wade" and he said something about wading and boats in the last one I thought.

At any rate, if it came out mixed up, what my son had to say today in the visit was really wonderful. Everything that came out of his mouth was like a positive support of the two of us and of God's blessing on our lives.

I know it is the will of God for my son and I to be together. I have absolutely no doubts so there is no need to "surrender" when I know, if it is right, it is something worth fighting for. Of course! My son is worth fighting for absolutely and especially when I've prayed and know it's the right thing!

Thank you again to people I saw who are supportive and concerned about what's going on with us. If you can try to let me know, again, please do let me know what's going on. But I saw everyone mixed again, but some people from out of the area and I could tell some of them really cared a lot.

My son also saw a figurine of a monkey which someone had fit onto the horse strawberry snow and HE thought it was weird and took it off. There was nothing like that in the box in the past and the state workers just add things here and there.

When we first walked in, too, someone had put a white chair on top of the table and left it like that. Chairs are usually on the ground but they just put one up and I'm sure that was to be some kind of reference to my joking around town about "the throne" at this one mechanics shop, which is a bathroom where the white toilet is on a white platform. It was basically the same thing, what someone had in the room today and it was obvious, and they had nothing else there except tissue.

When I left the room, I walked to Bison Bagle, and on the way over, I stopped at the Red Cross, which was on the way, to see when the next blood drive was. Then, I walked on and passed a woman with a puppy which she said was "wolf" and "german shepherd" and something else. Red heeler or something. She said the dog's name was "lone wolf" and that the lone wolf was going to have to find some cougars to hang out with to help out in the wild (or something like that). Then I went into the Bagel place and sat at a table where the first card said "Music" and the first title was "Sunglasses". I cannot tell you how many people were watching where I sat. And, where I was going as I walked from the Red Cross to the next place.

From there I went to Bob's Classic Hamburgers which is when I started having the horrible stomach pulsing problem, which might be what my son was also trying to tell me about, with his stomach pain and throwing up. His cold and the fever was totally different from this other thing and I've seen him throwing up too, at visits and just randomly.

But of course, no one in Wenatchee wants any diagnostics. I couldn't tell if he said he and Holly and Pablo all threw up at the same time or what, but I think that was it. Which would match something that happened to me and my son a long time ago and I had told my friend over the phone about it in this last week or so. My uncle just said that my son had been better as of last night.

I also noticed someone had totally whitened my son's teeth. My son has enamel dysplasia and this has made his tooth deformities, which were from childbirth trauma, obvious. I also talked to my friend about that over the phone in the last week or so, telling her any normal dentist from out of this area could take a cursory look at my son's teeth and see what it was.

And it is STILL obvious, but doesn't look quite as bad with the tooth whitening. It wasn't like he just got his teeth cleaned--they were fucking whitened.

Sometime in the same week where these other things were happening. I think it's absolutely great if my son is going to the salon and getting a haircut...but if it's to cover up the thinning baldish patch he shouldn't have had, in the back of his head, which makes it look like he's been strapped to a carseat for hours, it's just to cover and conceal what is happening to him.

And then all this time, his teeth were never whitened until I was on the telephone talking to my friend about the condition of his teeth. I asked my son, "Did you have this done at home? or did you go to the dentist?" and he said he had been to the dentist. I think, the same dentist whose office took out the whole diagnosis of enamel dysplasia and shredded records which showed how early on I had taken my son into the dentist when he was first evaluated.

I don't know why the FBI from a different area doesn't get involved. Having my son evaluated by people from out of this whole area would show what the damage has beeen to my son and what people are still trying to cover up.

It's one thing to have discoloration on teeth, but it's another thing when the enamel is obviously too thin for it to be comfortable for him to tolerate hot and cold, and he's had a ton of cavities. He should be compensated for it, plain and simple, and it's outrageous that people are trying to keep him from my guardianship to keep me from getting him the help he needs and suing, should I sue. And then on top of all this, we have people intimidating me and playing very sick mind games and my lawyer, still, has done nothing!

I wish someone with a lot of money and power, who is not trying to screw me over, and who cares about my son, would get involved. I could use financial help or help getting into work which I could do online or something too, because I can't get anything here and need the cash to clear things up, by just having a car to drive to a job out of area or fly out of area and get outside help, and these law offices have prevented me from even filing release forms or using the fax to get things done when they weren't doing anything themselves.

I AM glad to know there are some people on my and my son's side and I really hope justice prevails, against the odds. That something very important will happen and people will come forward for us.

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