Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Why Didn't I Think Of This Before?

I don't know why I didn't use my laptop camera more to photograph documents. I should have done that with the ID badge I got from the WVMC, that had gang numbers and words all over it. I kept it even though a woman desperately tried to take it from me, but then it was stolen out of my purse by a housemate.

Here's how gangster Wenatchee is...I go to the unemployment offices and there in one stall is the woman who told me (with her husband and teen son) that they were with "the state" and she does her own little gang thing, telling me "You win some, you lose some!" as she put this plastic bowl in the back of the car that had US stars and stripes on it I think. I thought, "What the?"

She sort of helped me that night, but did a lot of mind game stuff, and she was actually trying to convince me to adopt my son out before he was ever even born. Her name is Sylvana.

Anyway, so I use the restroom of that office, and people have put up turquoise things all over, and in the main stall is an air freshener that's turquoise and peach and says, "Time Mist". So I get out and I'm standing at the mirror, and look on the counter beneath the mirror and it's another mirror! A mirror for the countertop. Which is perfect really, because every state worker needs a line in the middle of a busy day's work. I seriously looked at that mirror and ran my finger across the top. I wouldn't have been surprised at all.

Actually though, it matters a lot less to me if someone is personally taking a drug now and then, but has integrity for their job and equality with others. Someone can have very high standards and morals and take something now and then, but maybe it's not common.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you ever just run out of conspiracy theories, or is every single little thing someone does cause for alarm?

The world doesn't revolve around you, Cameo. People don't notice you as often as you think. Look up paranoid schizophrenia sometime and see if it reminds you of anyone you know. Namely, yourself.