Tuesday, February 16, 2010

William of Wales & Abdication


I got a ride from someone today with something in her car that made me want to look something up online. So I did, and it's the first thing I've looked up in 3 weeks, on anyone royal besides Di or Elizabeth (and I did see some photos of Charles).

I feel it's a confirmation of what I felt in this dream I had most recently, which probably meant nothing. What I was looking up was Chile and where it was he did his volunteer work. It came to mind, so I looked up old news and the first thing I found was the link above. The photo made me laugh/smile.

Well, the order of things maybe made me smile.

Ever since that dream I felt he is not "the abdicator" if there will be one. I felt that he might not be happy leaving what is familiar behind, and I think, even more, what he wants to do, is make the most of an opportunity a lot of people do not have--to one day use a position for good and to bring awareness to important things. That's the idea I had anyway. On one hand, that maybe it will be love-hate and in some ways I think Harry is more of a duck who would just shrug things off, but anyway.

The timing is what made me smile, because sometimes I wonder why things seem to align, sometimes for me, the way they do. I mean, for me, in the sense of lining up with things I'm thinking.

I had been mulling this over, from the dream, and then I ended up randomly coming across this lecture on "Duty & Autonomy" on PBS. It was so random, and he came to mind briefly. Then I see the newest headlines about "duty" and how he will not leave his role. I didn't realize there were any rumours he might but I'm just glad I have not been reading the news again. I think it's better right now, because everything for me is weird and it's like whatever I end up reading or talking about turns into a mind game or questionaire.

I saw the headline, but I didn't and will not be reading the article. I feel it's better not to read about anyone except Diana or maybe the Queen and that's about it.

I also had Charles come to mind. It was a strange Valentine's Day. I saw some BBC show about spies and this one woman had diamond earrings and one of them went missing and was a bug which she could speak into. Of course, this fed my imagination about Di and her lost earring and the concern of Charles. I'm too imaginative. But I saw that and then it was "Duty & Autonomy" which was based off of Kant and Hume and then it was something about deals and contract. The program was one called "justice".

I am totally distracted by American Idol now. This girl, woman, Crystal, sang "If It Makes You Happy" and did a great job. Anyway.

So I was sort of glad to read the headline I caught tonight, because to me it sort of fit the mood of the dream I had and I thought. Not that I needed this personally, but I like to test things.

I am not myself lately, because i'm so distracted and stressed out. I spent the last 3 days cutting and examining my cuticles basically, I've been stressed. So now and then, good to see something lining up for others. Which reminds me I still have to respond to sectoral heterochromia comments. Lots of forgotten and 'lost' and illegitimate royals out there who need some answers to their sectoral heterochromia.

I enjoyed watching the program about the Kennedy's last night. I didn't realize their daughter was so involved in England. Really sad both her fiances died. I didn't know there was that much tragedy, all of it. I liked Robert Kennedy, when he was coming out of the poor house with kids in America dying of malnutrition and the impact it seemed he wanted to make, for civil rights and the poor, but for some reason, something so humanitarian I guess, can even get political. I don't know why he was assassinated. I thought about um,...oh, how that one older brother died in the plane crash when the plane exploded into air and thought, this is very weird.

Because someone in Wenatchee started going on about the "Kennedy's" and this, I believe, in particular, and then my aunt told me how her brother, the eldest, died basically the same way. What's weird is the Kennedy's seemed to be sort of psychic too. It was like he knew something was going to happen before it did.

I only looked up Chile because of seeing something in the car and then the dream and it came together and I wanted to see where it was, what part of Chile and all i could find was that it was "southern". But I found the above clip and it's the first time I've seen it. I have seen one toilet photo from the Chile thing and one with a boy on his shoulders, which looked like a mirror image of William on the shoulders of his personal security guard when he was little. Parallel. But that's all.

I guess I'll look up something about Harry too, something from the past, not new, as I did with William. Maybe something from...hmmm...let me think to see if something will come to me to search for...something camping or backpacking when he was around 15 or so maybe.

I'm finding Harry Potter camping but no HOW. Now I find something about HOW camping with Gurkhas but that was recent. Can't find anything, but it came to mind. Something about camping or backpacking photos or time when 15 years old.

That's all folks.

Where's my valium?

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