Sunday, February 21, 2010

Yesterday and Health

I wanted to say, whatever I wrote yesterday and before, were sort of out of duress. For the last few days, someone just jacked up the computer overheating thing and yesterday it was all day and it affects both my body and my mind. I already took a photo proving the mark from a laser on my cheek, so I am not joking and I know my own body.

Right now, no problems, but I'm not staying at the same place if it keeps happening. I can't get any work done like that, even though I try and instead, I end up writing out of emotion because I don't know what to do because no one is helping hold whomever responsible. It wasn't at night, it was all day, during the day yesterday when I was trying to get things done and once, even when I wasn't near the computer so I didn't know for sure that it was even stemming from the computer.

Then I laid down and got this image that I got, after other things. I wish I could remember the other images.

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