Thursday, March 25, 2010

Audio Recordings Not Here--Missing Evidence From File

So I have documentation that I asked for the CDs or copies of the audio recordings. One would think, if they were to believe my lawyer was ever honest and trying to help me, that they would be here in this box.

Has Justin Titus and his law firm told people they were helping me?

I just want to know, because I don't want the wrong people to be on MY case, as if the problem was about ME and not them. As if THEY were working so hard and I wasn't giving them what they need or "cooperating" with them.

Hmmm...Just wondering how many pages are missing from even the paper record. But certaintly, there are no CDs or copies of the hearings by audio and I have this request documented and Justin told me he obtained these things for me and that he received them from the court and they were at his office. So after he told me this, I didn't ask again.

Until now. Until now, where I have people writing in to say how wrong I am to say anything bad about these guys and how they at least 'cared'.

No, TRUST ME, they never cared.

For SIX months they filed not one motion. They lied to me repeatedly and if those CDs are not at their offices, they either got rid of them and withheld them, maliciously, or they never had them to begin with. My lawyer was telling me he received them and they were waiting at his office. So where are they??? He also quizzed me, saying, "I thought you had copies".

Interesting. He wants to know if I have copies so they can figure out what to do with their copies?

Like he acted panicked and upset to learn I may be going to college and was worried about how quickly I might have my own money to work with?

Like the way he looked, disappointed, when he saw that my hair strand test proved I was not a drug user or addict?

I think there are some hard questions to be asked of those who worked at that firm. We know his wife is Lutheran and that her maid of honor was one of my CPS workers (shock). However, we know very little about Justin Titus, except for the fact that he's from Oregon, and made a trip over there and out of country around the time he claimed to have received my full file.

My own parents didn't like him when he refused to give them a copy of something I asked him to give them. I did it myself. After that, he went around me and called my parents, without my permission and spoke with them about me, privately, and I would have no idea what he said, but he tried to get them on his side and then my mother liked him and blamed ME for saying he was no good.

All the fucking evidence points to "no good" and deliberate attempts to screw over me and my poor son.

All of it. At the very end they rushed about, sending out emails saying they would print things out for me, at a time when I was sick with flu and having migraines and could barely function. The most work they ever did was to make a motion for themselves to withdraw but only after they sat on my case all that time, and blocked me from doing anything.

Justin is not Catholic he says. But that's all he will say. After telling me he's Jewish, I have no idea. I don't know what would motivate him, personally, to do this. I looked up some of his facebook buddies and many were directly mocking me, with a couple of symbolic moves here and there.

I went to his offices a day ago and on the table there were 4 brochures laid out, with one turned around so the words "There is Hope" was facing. Lutheran church brochures.

I don't need a "symbol" of "hope"--I need to see proof and proof in action. If there was "hope", they wouldn't have gone out of their way to screw me over in the first place, and then even keep the CDs of hearings out of the file.

Justin got some baseball flyers from his wife's church, and after he screwed me over personally and the other partners were just as bad or worse, he lays out the "hope" message, which is BS. First of all, if he is Lutheran then I am Amish. His wife is Lutheran, HE is NOT. And THAT is CLEAR. And even if she is Lutheran, who the hell cares, if you have Lutherans like Marie Scanlon running around with God Knows Whats like Michelle Erickson, lying left and right through this whole case? Sure, their supervisors are worse? Well, they are under no compulsion to obey the unethical directives of their supervisors and if they were, they should be documenting that and taking it to proper authorities. Instead, they have defamed me to no end. Michelle because she is personally pissed and thinks the "Whole World" believes SHE is THE "Blowjob Michelle". Oh, that's something to traumatize a child over. That binge-eater Oliver. Those women, regardless of their religion, or claims to such, have moral obligations to be honest and act in good faith and they did not. I am not saying they are the WORST or that others have been better. But they did wrong and they did wrong to my son.

Anyone who thinks Justin Titus was doing me any favors, at any time, was deceived. He did too many things and the record is conspiciously absent of work product from that firm. Conspicuously so.

I just do not want any part of the blame to fall upon my shoulders, as if I didn't cooperate or do something right, when all along, I tried and I trusted them. They did a great disservice to my son and to the names of their respective religions and value systems besides.

They were supposed to at least allow me to help myself so I could make my own defense and they blocked me from this.

The fact that they do shitty things in the end, and insult me and call me "huegenot" knowing my name, and putting out weird symbols everywhere and then dumping only part of my file into my lap, after illegally obtaining medical records they were not authorized to receive...

Does this sound like a firm that was ever trying to help or that "cared"?

No, it does not.

Where are the CDs?

If the CDs are missing, then there's a whole lot of other shit that's missing too.

If this case is "airtight" then why do I have people in the town stealing evidence? Why have I seen medical records disappear and be altered? Why do I have police officers erasing footage which I could use in court? and why do I have lawyers blocking me from defending myself?

Is it possible, that the only person who would actually present an adequate defense is me?

I think so, but this is why I have people going out of their way to clean things up, destroy records, alter records, and try to keep me from being able to do one thing on this case.

Because they know, they KNOW, that I will win. They know that this case is so full of holes it's a sinker if it is ever out of Wenatchee hands and out of the direction, I might add, of others who will pay good money to keep it in the right Wenatchee hands.

It's a total sinker. It's full of holes and lies that I can PROVE are lies. It was BASED on a lie and there was no evidence even backing or authorizing my son's removal to begin with. This case is a total sinker and the ONLY way they keep it afloat is by keeping MY hands OFF of it and MY hands without money.

If this case sinks, and I prove it's a bunch of bullshit, there are people who go down with it. They are holding onto this ship like nobodys business, and yet they've been the ones telling me "keep wading" or "keep swimming!" or telling me to try to stay afloat and just a lot of rubbish. These people are holding onto this like it's their last fucking meal.

They are holding onto my case like it's their last. fucking. meal.

That is how important it is to them, and to others who are "sponsoring" them. It's not millions.

Try Billions.

And those who have the money can come see me after church on Sunday for their psychic reading, because how do I know? It's like Jesus love me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so. That's how easily I know. God told me so, that's how I know.

I guess I want someone, or anyone, who felt hopeful about my having representation, to understand I didn't have a fighting chance. I will not lie, because I had reservations on the first day...however, at first they made good on their promise to allow me access to resources. The lawyers let me use the conference room whenever I wanted. But then, after just a couple of weeks, as I was trying to find housing and a lot of things all at once, after a couple of weeks, they then said only a couple times a week, actually, it was everyday, but for ONE hour. I said there was no way I could focus when I was spread out over a whole week with just one hour. I work better in longer more concentrated periods, not sporadic short pieces. So they refused to budge and then to spite me, said I could only use the office one hour 2 times a week. So within one month they completely went back on all that they promised. I'm not going to lie and say they just told me one thing and signed up and then backed out, because if they had done that I would have cancelled them immediately.

Instead, they intentionally parted me out, bit by bit, and did it slowly while making promises about filing motions and getting my visitation increased (this month!). Justin went back on everything he told me. He didn't even try to put a motion for me together until he heard I might be getting my own independent psych eval. Then he suddenly claimed to be making a motion but he wanted me to see another STATE psychologist he'd picked out. After the first hearing I knew there was a problem because the state used what I told him to change their tactics. Michelle Erickson got up there and did this. Little did I know that even if the office wasn't bugged, anything Justin got from me would go to his wife's (and his) best buddies who WERE my CPS workers. He never even mentioned conflict of interest. All this time, all these people here KNEW about the conflict of interest and said NOTHING.

So as soon as he found out I was NOT within means of getting a different psych eval, he totally cancelled on me and dropped his idea of making a motion for me, a few motions actually, at the next hearing.

I also caught him sneering about me to the AG, Anne McIntosh and he didn't look so "caring" then.
So I just want certain people to know it is NOT me, and that I am NOT holding things up and am not the problem here. After they squeezed me out of using any resources, I went 3 months begging him to do something on the case. Nothing was done. I was completely frozen out of all resources and they did not want me to help myself.

They cut me off from using their offices after I tried to get a job at a preschool and was successful at first. I made calls and lined up appointments and worked one day at a preschool until I was told I couldn't work there. This was the same day that I drove there in the morning, passing people in suburbans who looked like Princess Val and her husband (following in a different suburban close behind but just look alikes) and the woman who met me was "Val" and this was after I blogged about Princess Val of course. So I have to pass some fat guy on a tractor with his pants halfway down and crack showing and he's wearing a little Scottish or english flat cap as "Princess Val" is passing. So I get to the room and the kids all do this dance that's like a scottish highland dance I later saw The Queen doing on a youtube clip. It was the exact same thing but I didn't know it then and then some KOHO station talked about the UN's unity dance or something that afternoon. So this is with the girl who has a strawberry shortcake pillow and who looks like a Wagler and who says there is something in her eye that is hurting.

After this one day job, and being mocked for no reason, when I was excellent with the children, the lawyers told me I couldn't use the phone anymore. It wasn't my lawyer, but one of the partners there blocked me from using their resources anymore. He said getting a job wasn't part of the case and I told him it was because it showed stablilty and that I was getting on my feet. Some of these partners did some very bad things and pushed their weight around to keep even my lawyer from helping me, if he even would.

So I had semi-use of resources for less than a month. Then I was blocked for months and no one worked on my case AT ALL. Then, at the very end, after doing nothign, they made a show of "send us a declaration" and claiming they needed information from me but they were not even making use of the information I had ALREADY given them!

They backed out on a lot of things. And then I was sick with flu and migraine and cuoldn't get everything done last minute and asked for accomodations for migraine at least, twice in a row, for the same period or to have the schedule changed, and they did nothing.

My own lawyer didn't even try to schedule an MRI for me as the Judge required. They did nothing. Michelle claimed it took a whole month to make a few calls about whether or not they were contracted with some group.

In the end, when I get a box of records that doesn't even have the CDs there,which my lawyer said he received, I think it's plain to see something is wrong and has probably always been severely wrong. I will ask them about those CDs tomorrow.

I just double-checked, to be sure I looked thoroughly, but they are not there.

So through all this, I was too worked up and traumatized and then sick to even look at what was being said. I didn't get enough notice, with my migraine coming, to even respond to the lies in the ISP which is partly why I asked for continuance, so I could be in a position, health-wise, to make my response.
Then, I was thinking about going to a different attorney but I noticed how they scheduled Justin's withdrawal to coincide with the day she said she could meet me. I felt this was to ensure the file went directly from him to her without my hands on it. So I asked for some of those records myself and wanted to respond.

She did a lot more work than Justin ever did, but my only concern was that she nudged me in bringing up the audio taping for visits matter, which set me back in my ability to have objective documentation of what is happening in those visits with my son.

The whole town thinks they have a right to know, and they spread this information to everyone, but they block ME from having audio recording to use in my defense for court.

So my main idea was that if it looks like people who have been screwing me over are still coordinating with other people in town, it is better to do things myself. However, I wasn't going to fire them at the hearing when I need access to resources and they knew this which is why they wanted to dump it back to me last minute.

I have to have access to basic resources to defend myself even and I was blocked from this.

I have started making my formal report and complaint process. This time, I am serving notice to the county of Chelan and Douglas county as well, because the clock is ticking and you have to do it within a certain timeframe before you can even try to bring a lawsuit.

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