Monday, March 22, 2010

Cat Lady Counselor & men who stare at goats

I think this one counselor has cats. She strikes me as a tea-&-cats lady. dance too, or gymnastics in her youth. ice skating. a thwarted love. some tragic romance. something one could reaallly sink their teeth into, like a good harlequin romance.

I just saw these previews of "men who stare at goats" and wondered if I had that image of goats because someone I know saw this movie.

I am watching, or stumbled on "house" and yes, there is soemone who i think is ill but it might be more than 1. I think there may be 2. one i don't know about and then 1 who is in a public eye of sorts and i wouldn't want to say how, and i have this feeling. in my heart.

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