Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Correction! on Doctors (the good, the bad, and the UGLY)

I have to correct something that I wrote about Ruckman and Ettinger. Their notes were good.

What I had was a cover sheet where a nurse wrote something down for discharge notes.

Ettinger's notes confirmed migraine and were professional. And Ruckman's notes were for fatigue and I guess I remember I did go in for something like that at least one time when I was very sick with flu.

So I'm going to go back and correct the entry I made. The yellow discharge notes were written by nurses, not by the doctors.

I haven't gone through all the notes, the written records, but so far, I don't have anything to complain about with the doctors I thought were in question because it was the nurses that wrote this down and it was just on a discharge thing and not an official record.

The only thing I found to be inaccurate so far, was something about my having "blackouts", remote blackouts or something in question but I don't have those. I had one minor one when I had my accident and never since.

However, I'm discovering my lawyer lied more than I thought he did.
I am just skimming these notes, and many of these doctors did a great job. Most of them. Their notes are pretty factual.

However, I was right about Dr. Matthew Marion. That guy is no good. He is the one I saw at Central Washington who I had such an odd encounter with, where he was the only doctor in the valley who was trying to bring in a social worker for a migraine. His notes are very biased and he tried to make me sound crazy again, and he contradicts himself. He claims in one section that I'm in no acute distress and comfortable and then in the next section he claims I'm crying and upset. He totally contradicts himself.

Either I'm in distress or I'm not. He also makes light of the computer hacking issue where I was trying to send a note to the court and had him look. He doesn't confirm that he saw what I saw, even though he did. He just tries to make me sound nutty.

I saw Dr. Gottlieb today and I had a good impression about him, in general. I think he may have some questions about me but he looked sorry today and sort of, I don't know. I have the feeling that he would at least back me up on what was going on with my computer and I know for sure that Nancy would. So if Dr. Marion wants to lie, he can lie all he wants. He's a good looking man, and that's about it, that Dr. He wrote a very dramatic script. He could probably write something like a John Grisham novel. I don't believe Wenatchee Valley hired him, he just rotates here.

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