Wednesday, March 17, 2010

deleted (because of cindy with the cake) & dream

i added a few things which i thought, later, sounded like i was up to something i'm not, so not writing this. and i thought about a few other things and don't need people to make a bigger deal of things than necessary.

my son is priority and i have individuals getting to him to get to me and this is unacceptable to me. it's not my family's fault either. in fact, i had a dream about it.

i decided this is not something to get into after i took a short walk with the dog and within 2 seconds, there was a woman named 'cindy' rushing out of the house and then rushing back in, after talking to me, to get her cake in the oven. she told me she was from leavenworth. so why is she making a cake in someone else's oven? no biggie, but it felt too staged.

cindy with the black lab just like mine, rushing out when i'm walking by and then having a cake in the oven.
I don't think my aunt has done what she should, in keeping me informed about my son, but i had a dream that she had horrible things happening and was being ordered to stay away from the phone. in my dream, some very bad things were going on and a man was preventing my aunt from calling me or calling 911 or anyone for help.

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