Thursday, March 25, 2010

Harrassment Yesterday (some plate numbers)

Then, all day yesterday, I had people really going out of their way to mock me. They were making a lot of motions of things I have done, in private, in this room in the house. Motions of my eating cereal in front of the laptop, of flossing my teeth, of putting on maskara, and other things. Yesterday I had different people doing all of these things and making it clear that my privacy had been invaded. If it was just one or 2, who would know why they'd do this, but it was about 5 people, all doing different things, so it was clear that they intended to have me put this together and and know what they had been doing.

I only got the plates for two of them, the guy doing a cereal motion with his hands (I was taking handfuls of cereal out of a box) and they are:

1. Man making face with open mouth, head turned to me, very obvious as he was driving by slowly: Truck (red?) Washington plates-- B66483H
2. Man making face that my son makes in visits: Washington plates--196 SLN. I couldn't completely tell if he was making a face of me flossing my teeth or my son pulling his cheeks apart, but he took both hands off of the wheel to do it, and faced me.
A few women I noticed, who couldn't and didn't want to mask their delight in what was happening to me, who mocked me:

291 YOV
785 TXI
195 UFD (3 people here, and younger)
512 YPA
489 WYK
860 VZR
103 VXL
366 VOY

that's just a very very small sample. There were far more but I couldn't write them all down, and plenty of men too. There were also a lot of people from Oregon.
Then this guy showed up in a car and got close and it's this guy who seems nice enough, but he only pops up when he thinks everything is totally over with my ex, and then has disappeared if my ex returns. Sort of disappears, apologizing, like he's afraid of my ex. But they turned on my radio to have it set to a specific time on my alarm clock and then had me waking up to some Wenatchee station that played a song about "too bad I broke up with you" or something. I can't remember the song but it was some song for losers and I woke up to that at that exact time, the song was just starting. If they hadn't done that,I might think things were okay but no. I had told my ex they were coming over to have a drink and then we were going to a dance thing. My ex knew all about it and didn't care and i never cheated on him and he knew it.

I was faithful 100% of the time.

But I have people mocking me about "7" or whatever. I got a few fucking "7s" when my trust was betrayed over and over. And when my son was being affected, and when I never once had a lawyer really helping me on my case, and when the Judge is blocking me from having a defense for my hearings, a continuance for migraine disability, and a lawyer for over a year. Right. But I'm the one who did something others don't like. I have proof that a bunch of U.S. government people are totally corrupt and harassed me and have done nothing for me or my son when I've made how many attempts?
I had this woman put me up, claiming she was finding intended parents for me, for me to be a surrogate and she does the same thing to me, basically lying and ignoring me after telling me she was doing this and putting up my profile. I have someone trying to put me in jail for federal stuff and then actually doing it, in Wenatchee, when I did nothing wrong. Erasing my video footage. Putting me in jail the day before I was going to start training at a good job. This law firm I've been with, did nothing but take my case and lie to people about how they were helping me when they weren't. None of them were. They took my case to screw me and my son over with and to be in control of doing this. I have US people refusing to even acknowledge my complaints until they decide the best time to respond is when I'm buried with other legal matters and right before a psychiatric evaluation. So they can go back and say, after a year or more, of ignoring me and my son and what's happening, they can say they responded to my complaints but I did nothing about it (when they know I'm too buried to do anything about all these things at once). I take a look at Michelle Erickson's page, and see her "friends", some of whom have approached me to get information from me. I look at her "favorites" pages and she has stuff listed that she has no connection to except through me--basically, nods to people who have wanted to screw my son and I over. I have people disseminating all the information about my visits to others, so there is zero privacy for my son. Even if I don't blog, the entire content of the visit gets out. Every single time I go to visit, the room is set up with little symbolic things. I have people telling me to come visit them or inviting me in and then after I've been there a few minutes, telling me I was uninvited (this is what happened the night before last, at a retirement center). I was talking to a few gentlemen and they wanted to speak to me and then these women just had me sit there until they said they were going to let their Air Force friend know I was there and then I was harassed to leave when I did nothing wrong. They wanted me there and then they wanted to kick me out. They just wanted me there so they could say i was there and get their fucking points for having treated me like shit.

I have a huge list, with a lot of details, of what has been done to me in this town. Done to my son besides.

I have no idea why so many people would choose to go along with such harassment unless there is something really wrong with them. I went to Serve Wenatchee on a day they were expecting me and they had 6 little New Testaments all stacked up on the middle table. Then they had 4 Bibles stacked on another table, with a Bible that looks exactly like the one I'm using, sitting beneath it. It had the same cover and was about the same age and everything. You could look at it and think it was the very same one.

I don't know who their "God" or "Jesus" is, but I see very little of real and genuine christian faith here. It's like a mockery to the name of Christ. People do very uncharitable things while begrudgingly helping someone they "have" to help if they walk in the door, and yet they're screwing over a mother and little boy at the same time. And a lot of these people go to church. They quote scripture too. And while I feel the worst has come from SOME groups in particular, and it's been very noticeable, there is something to be desired, in general, in this town. They will keep you down as far as they can but it's not just people here. I know by now that people are being bribed and rewarded and even threatened, in other states even. And that is not an exaggeration.

I'd like to see which church it is, if there is one in town, that would give me access to their printer and fax to try to get my son back. That might be a real test of what the spirit is like in this town. I would also like to see which members are not screwing someone over who is trying to get into housing. I'd like to test the christian faith in this town and see where the fruits of the spirit might exist, or not. If there is a church who has someone or a few members who are willing to assist on a practical level, so I can help myself and help my son, maybe I will look more closely at that church or group and find something lovely to think upon, something worthy of praise. Not every church could afford to do this, but I'd like to see for myself which ones are not just run by politics, bribes, and threats. If I don't find one, maybe there isn't one here and that's something to be noted.

1 comment:

  1. Fruit of the spirit is self control.
    You have none.
    Don't expect of others what you yourself will not give.
    You use people for your gain without thinking of what it costs them.
    Each time you lie to people to get housing and then don't pay them, you can not blame them for being angry.
    They have bills to pay and mouths to feed, too.
    This world isn't all about you. The world does not revolve around you.
    You burn bridges everywhere you go and then try to blame others.
    We owe you nothing. You are an adult.
    Stop saying 'if THEY assitst me; THEN I can get things done.'
    It is nobodies job, not even a hired laywers, to allow you access to their supplies. They don't do it for the rest of us and there is no reason why they should concider you a special case.
    Your dilutions of grandure are harmful to innocent people.
    And, the sick part is - YOU DON'T CARE!
    You are a perfect example of a waste of energy and space.
    You choose not to confront your mental illness and choose to blame others for your extremely obvious defects.
    You can get help, but the longer you wait; then the less chance of you ever coming back to reality.
    Until you choose to get the psych eval and get on anti-paranoid/schitzephrinic drugs, you will continue in this downward spiral. You are the crazy lady on the street. You are the one everyone else is scared of ever ending up like.
    Note this pain and anger. Because you choose not to change for the better, this feeling of dispondence is all you will know for the rest of your life.
    Is this mania really how you want to live forever?
    Just know that if you don't change your selfish ways; then when you finally, miserably pass away we will only feel relief and pity.

    It's your choice.
