Friday, March 19, 2010

My Law Firm's Mind Games (photos)

The law firm I've been dealing with, which did absolutely nothing but prejudice my case and keep me from obtaining documents and records for myself, sent me a manilla envelope of letters after I requested the return of my entire file.

I told them to send everything to me, and they just sent over an envelope that was sealed, which I wouldn't even open until I first took it back to the post office.

Why? did I do that? I guess it was because I wondered why they used 5 stamps and at least 3 times more money than was necessary when they, and I, and anyone, would know it was unneeded.

They put 3 stamps which say "Wisdom, Rockefeller Center, New York City" in a row, and then 1 of a bridge with a seagull flying above it (Mackinac Bridge), and then 1 of a white wedding cake, for a total of 5 stamps, and according to the scale, "$8.51".

I weighed it before opening it, to see how much it actually weighed, because this was taken to the post office to be certified and anyone would know it was more postage than necessary. So I found out it weighed exactly "10.00" whatever that means. I don't know if it's ounces or what but it came up, on the post office scale with this number and the period right after the 10 so it was 10.00.

According to the scale, for this weight the correct postage would have been $2.41. I could tell, just by holding it in my hands, that it wasn't as much as the cost of stamps all together.

When I looked inside, they didn't even send me the things I asked for with regard to the MRI. I told them to send back the CD because they obtained a copy of the actual CD of the MRI and it's not there. Different things are not there.

I got an email that said I couldn't have my file and it would take a week and they would send it to an outside source to be copied. Then he reconsidered and said with my permission they would do this. I wrote back that I didn't need "copies" and that when I signed on with them it was to use their resources as a pro se person with THEM as "second chair". But then they blocked me from everything. So I said, "This is NOT your property and I demand the return of my property." My records were my records, for ME to use, and yet they kept everything from me, claimed not to have anything for months and while they did nothing for me or my son, they BLOCKED ME from even using the phone, fax, and printer as they originally said they would provide, so I had "access to legal resources".

These lawyers at this firm never wanted me to have my son. In fact, they went WAY out of their way to PREVENT me from making any kind of progress.

When I told them to withdraw, finally, they are doing so, but not without claiming I didn't give them information and it's my fault. They had all the information they needed from the start. They also totally backed out of representing me properly for a hearing and claimed it was for something completely different.

I have a LOT more I could say about them and what they were doing, but I'm going to save my breath for now. They did very big favors for others and didn't care, EVER, about my son, which is one reason none of them wanted to face my son upon my invitation.

So yeah, these are rreeeeaaaally nice guys.
Andrew Kottkamp
Nic Yedinack
Justin Titus
Nic Deganhart

They have been working together to prejudice this case and that's it. I could go into how interconnected they are to some things, and some people, but I will hold off for now.


  1. The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster
    for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of
    those of us who live in "advanced" countries, but they have
    destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected
    human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological
    suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have
    inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued
    development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly
    subject human beings to greater indignities and inflict greater damage
    on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social
    disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased
    physical suffering even in "advanced" countries.

  2. Dear Anonymous,

    I certaintly agree with you. It was thought the development of the nuclear bomb was the big bad of science, but it wasn't. Things have become much worse and the technology available today is in the wrong hands. It will only get worse and has already spiraled out of control.

    It has created a puppetry of personage and mocked any ideal of freedom.
