Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Lawyer Withdraws

My lawyer, who has done nothing, and whose firm blocked me from even have a phone or fax resource (when that was part of the deal to begin with) is finally withdrawing.

I told that partner they should withdraw the moment they admitted to my face that they were not helping me. He refused and told me I could FIRE him, and I knew why he said that, because he wanted the Judge to think I was just randomly firing people. They had an ethical obligation to withdraw and did not, and severely and irreparably harmed my case.

So then they went out and obtained my MRI records, when I didn't even sign a release for THEM to receive anything. They didn't schedule it, didn't order it, and did NOTHING to help me even get an MRI and then once I had one done, I paid for it myself.

They had no interest whatsoever in the MRI results until I blogged I might be able to use them for evidence of things that happened in Seattle and Bainbridge. All of a sudden, they were hopping, the very next day, to get their hands on the records.

Justin recently, in only the last few weeks, JUST THIS RECENT, claimed he needed more information from me to make motions with. He was lying and stalling because he knew I'd already made some of those declarations, and I GAVE him handwritten notes and explanations when I met him in person at his office, with all the reasons for what needed to be done.

I told him yesterday, "Justin, you had a jar full of 100 jelly beans. You counted those jelly beans and you could have done something with them, but you tried to tell me you needed Jar #2 with 5 jelly beans. All that time, you had a lot of material to work with and you told me you were working on motions and filing them in the first month."

I have no idea why jelly beans comes to mind, but it's perfect. He knew there was enough information for getting some motions together but he chose not to do anything and just delayed.

If that firm was "helping" me, why did they BLOCK me from even obtaining my own records and evidence to use for my case??? They refused to let me use their phone or fax when they knew I had to have these basic resources to obtain information.

So he sends this email claiming he's withdrawing because I am not assisting him (which is bullshit) and because of "name calling" when I have never called him even one name, not to his face and not to the people at the firm. Have I called him names to friends? of course.

In fact, the clinic did not even have a release form to send records to that firm with. The only way the Wenatchee Valley Clinic would send records of my head exam to that firm is if someone from that firm called for them, after I specifically said I didn't want them to have them, at least not immediately because I was considering making a report about something and using that information as evidence. It seems to me that this firm just wanted the discovery, for themselves and people they have been working for and with.

Justin wasn't even making a motion for my right to independent psychological evaluation. Ummm, not UNTIL he found out my parents were thinking of paying to have me go to one and then he was very quick to say he wanted to make a motion for me to see this guy in Seattle whom he had all picked out. His supposed research and drafts for that went by the wayside after he found out my parents weren't paying for an independent psych eval afterall. He decided to sit back and rest with that.

He promised me that he was going to set up a hearing after the first month. He never set it up, and claimed he needed more "time" to review my records and the evidence. He had enough evidence to make motions with and didn't even need evidence to make some common sense motions. He never bothered to set up a hearing because he never intended to work on this case, other than to screw me and my son over.

There is a reason he didn't want to meet my son. He can't face the idea of looking into my son's eyes.

Then, I'm wondering WHY he wanted me to think he was Jewish. One way or the other it doesn't matter, but he wanted me to think this. He went to a jesuit college but I still feel like he might be because I think why would he say this? or want me to think this? I asked him and his firm and they wouldn't confirm he was or wasn't and just said, "I can't imagine Justin would ever say that" or "I never said that." As far as I know, from what I found out in the last couple of days, is that at least everyone else there is Catholic. Nik is the one who said they weren't going to help me but he was refusing to withdraw.

Justin claimed he couldn't help me or file motions until he had all the records. This took 3 months and right about the time he claimed he finally had everything, he went on vacation out of the country.

I asked where he went and no one would tell me, like it was a secret. I would think vacation isn't a secret or the location isn't a big deal unless you have something to hide. Most normal people, who have nothing to hide, would say, "Oh! we went to the Bahamas! It was great" or they would be happy to casually refer to where they went. Not Justin, and not anyone in that firm either. It's one thing to not tell people where you're going if you want privacy, but after one has been on vacation, usually someone is happy to chat about it. But no, this "vacation" was like Area 51.

So he comes back from vacation to not doing anything still. He's done nothing, all this time, and that firm has blocked me from even using a phone, but they refuse to withdraw, telling me they are not going to help me, and then making it clear I will not be allowed to even help myself or my son pro se in any way.

What is done? Nothing. And then at the end, they act like they're going to help but all along they know the state was filing for termination. They didn't notify me, nothing. And then claim they can get motions out in one month prior to the termination trial, but then Justin is saying he's not my lawyer for that.

He was telling ME to call the AG myself. But of course, he claims he's representing me?

That firm took my case with the sole intention of screwing me and my son over. From the start, there was never any intention to help. They helped themselves, other parties, and the state, and that was it.

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