Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Migraine Better & A Ladybug In My Hair

My migraine is better. I think I've had a couple of extra migraines this month, from sheer stress, or maybe because I've gone to the foodbank and had a few things which I don't typically eat. It's possible. I felt really sick earlier and had to walk home which was horrible. I tried going to a store and the guy was going to check something out for me on my laptop but I was too sick to stay so I left. I am feeling better now though.

This Dr. Marion was the same doctor who I first saw at Central Washington and who acted like I was a nutcase. I mean, he was one of the only, or first doctors, in a long time, to try to make my migraines out to be someting mental. That was a long time ago, but that's what he did. That's when I was made to talk to a social worker. This time he asked me if I was "hearing things" like "voices". I said no and said, "I have never been asked that when I'm coming in with a migraine." The guy had just seen what was going on with my laptop besides. I wasn't making things up. It would be interesting to see what he put into my chart notes.

I thought it strange that while he and another doctor have been so rude to me in the past, they are suddenly not in a hostile mood--probably it's because they don't feel threatened anymore, I think. Before, perhaps, they felt I was more of a threat. This doctor said he was going to give me a "cocktail" of such and such and this sounded like what a different doctor used to say and then I was leaving the room, and sure enough, there was that other doctor, standing right there. He also said he would give me "decatrone", and when I asked what that was he said it was steroids. I don't know why someone would be offering me a steroid compound when it affects horomones, or actually, IS a horomone. After all this talk and questioning about menopause and whether I'm having a period anymore or not, then steroids? I began to wonder about a few things later...Something I will be able to piece together on my own in time.

I was in tears this time, because I was missing a hearing on account of migraine, again, when it could have been prevented and I had asked to have the hearings on a different schedule. I wasn't saying crazy things, I was just in tears because I was in pain and had wanted to have this scheduled out. And then, of course, in tears because I couldn't send my mail to the court when I was desperate and fighting through the pain to get this notice out, on account of my son.

I sensed a decent energy today. During my visit with my son, even though I was fighting the migraine, and even though I have horrible things going on and people trying to prevent me from doing a thing, I could tell someone was close to me and I felt whole. Probably it was the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, but it may have been someone else too, somewhere. I didn't notice this until I was in the visit with my son and then I did and it carried throughout most of the day. It may be that very bad things are happening, but I still felt, basically, I felt close to God all day.
One of the weirder things that happened today, was a ladybug flying into my hair and getting stuck and then flying out, just as this guy who looked like a ladybug actually (lol) was approaching. I've had a few strange things with insects happen lately. Nothing spooky at all, and no bad vibe, but really odd things and made me think about telekinesis. I was thinking the ladybug thing might be good luck in some cultures. The other day, on the same day people were referring to bees all the time, a dazed bee ran into me while I was sitting down. It was like a drunken bee. Very weird. And then it flew off. I've also had many, many, visits by spiders and beetles lately, way more than usual and not just in the corner all by themself, but actually walking directly to me. I just noticed though, a dead spider on my desk and that's a first. Haven't had that happen since Mykal Holt and her friends were doing bizarre things and setting out dead spiders on the table after my ex left.
Here's something about the ladybug! and the myths and symbolism of one flying onto your head or into your hair! The man approaching before the ladybug flew into my hair, was wearing red and black like a ladybug but he had a hat on that was light blue, with stag antlers on it. I don't know why I thought it was weird, I was just surprised, when something was flying out of my hair, to find it was a ladybug, and this a day or two after the bumblebee ran into me. At least they're not flies. If I had flies swarming around me, I would say it's probably bad luck.

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