Wednesday, March 24, 2010

More Lucky Guesses & Psychic Confirmations (with drug & alcohol counselor)

I have had a couple of other minor confirmations. The other day, while in a car with a potential landlord, as he was talking, I saw an altercation with him punching someone or some kind of brawl. I thought maybe he was former military. I asked and he never was but his whole family was Army. So then I told him what came to mind and he said he'd been a bar owner and had to split something up once and it turned into a brawl but that was it.

Then, I will write more about this some other time, but this other guy I looked at and said, "I get baseball but I think it's only bc you have a baseball hat on and I don't think that's right." He said it wasn't. I looked again and said, "Dogs" and he said he liked dogs and used to have some. What was cool for me was that while dogs is very general, before he said he USED to have them, I knew this, that he didn't have them now but did.

Then, a big one, without seeing this woman at all, or hearing her voice, I got drugs coming to mind. Specifically, cocaine. I wrote to her and said, before she scheduled a meeting with me, "Here's a freebie" and I will reprint what I wrote and what her response was:

"I am a drug and alcohol counselor going on for my Masters, presently I work in a similar field so hard to say. But no one close to me does drugs..meaning my kids hubby etc....

In a message dated 3/23/2010 9:10:04 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
thanks. things are looking up even when on the surface everything appears to be going wrong so i think it will be, ironically.

i have no idea why, but "cocaine" came to mind when you wrote back. yipes! cocaine, related to you or your life in some way. anyway, just thought i'd give you a freebie, no charge."
I told her I would keep all IDs private but it helps to be able to show confirmation of these things because I'm trying to get my son back and need to show I have a gift and it's not "delusion" or "hallucination" or anything. I think people already know this, many, and have been using me already for their own purposes but don't care to help me and my son. I think part of this betting stuff has to do with using me but not paying me a thing for my talent, while they make bets and get rich off of me. I think some of it has been military or intel or gov too, because I know I got someone's attention at some point.

Anyway, I'm not perfect in this. I'm just learning and exploring, but I do feel it's a gift. I am starting to think this is partly how I got into some trouble. I must have hit some things right on the head and didn't even know it and then freaked some people out.

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