Tuesday, March 2, 2010

No Computer Problems--Satellite

I really am feeling manipulated or something. Maybe partly manipulated and partly ?
Why is it that some days there are no problems with computer things but for the last almost week and actually, month, I've just these overheating and other harmful issues?

I'm not complaining, but I feel like at any moment, someone who starts this, can just do it all over again. Whoever has been doing this kind of thing either isn't alone or they haven't been caught.

I talked to my ex about it and I feel he does know there are things that go on. When I said I was talking to him, I got 2 days of reprieve, and then after that, it just went back to more of the same and I see how it has also affected my son. He said maybe it was imaginary but there are a lot of people who know this is REAL and is NOT in my mind. This has literally affected my TEETH and I was looking at my son's teeth more closely and he has some of the same things. Like, a defined line of more translucency at the top, with a perfect line, and then in the middle, areas which are irregular. He has the same thing and we, or I, never had it before the last couple of years.

And then I've had something going on for the last few days, until today, which caused very severe tension headache but really not normal. It is more because it's coming from technology of some kind, just like the burning sensation would start with the laptop, I had the headache in the house and almost as soon as I would leave, it would go away.

Really, there are a lot of things which can be done these days. even things which trigger heart attack, or any other number of health problems.

I've been having mild benign twitching but not just at the computer, more in the house in general. However, when the severe headache was ongoing and burning too, the burning at least was definitely usually while at the computer.

As strange as it sounds, I'm beginning to think some of it has been coming, literally, from high tech satellites. I say this, because I've seen how these satellites line up precisely in the sky, and that's not normal and if someone is interested enough in creating synchronized swimming in the sky, other things can be done. The reason I wonder about satellite, at least some of the time, is because I could hear a strange creaking or pulsing noise in the ceiling above. So I would move to a different area, and then it would move with me, to where I was.

So I went upstairs to try to find something but I thought, "Why would it move around on its own?" I started to think today, aside from computer, which I know has been a problem, it could be something set in the house or turned on, certaintly. However, another possibility is satellite and this would account even for the sound in the flooring above because if there was some kind of pressure that was emanating from above, and directed below, if it is powerful enough to create a pressure or constant headache or other effects, it could also affect the flooring and cause it to make noise.

I definitely feel there is something to the idea of something being around the house though because almost immediately after I talked to my ex, I heard walking around upstairs and I don't know what was going on, but then it quit. It was like someone turned something off.

But other times I have thought, if there is this sound from the flooring, a certain small pressure spot, where it's possible to travel, this sounds more like something that is being directed from a satellite to me. I mean, if there is nothing else in the path, what else?

So to me, it almost seems like a combination of ground level cruelty and local or slightly distant misuse of technology with the computer things, and then other larger sources sometimes coming into play as well.

I know that floorboards creak, of course, and houses settle. But this was more of a pattern or pulse and then it might be more random, but then went back to a specific timed sort of pulse. It was different and what I couldn't figure out, is how it could move from one area of the room to where I was. It was just strange.
Yeah, it's totally changed. I just went to the other room and waited for a long time, to see if the noise was the same and there was absolutely nothing. Maybe one normal settling creak one time and that was it. That noise was present every single time I had health problems with a pressure like feeling and horrible constant headache as well as an almost constant burning sensation (if in the house).
I'm wondering, if one has received injections of radioactive contrast, if this is picked up more easily by satellite. I looked up this kind of idea and what i found was that it can be picked up by satellite. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6V3S-4BNMGR1-1&_user=10&_coverDate=12%2F31%2F2004&_rdoc=1&_fmt=high&_orig=search&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_searchStrId=1230558905&_rerunOrigin=google&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=71d222ca8fe6054f425cbdd4f4d0b24f.

This doesn't relate specifically to humans but to radioactive sediment but I figure the principle is the same. I know my son and I were definitely having problems before I was given any contrast, but sometime after my childbirth, at least 6 months later, I was given contrast for CT scan of my pelvis. I know I experienced this burning sensation though, when I was back in Wenatchee after the East Coast and once it was even while I was outdoors. Very hot and then frigid cold. I don't think I received any contrast while on the East Coast. I did have two MRIs but I am thinking they were both without contrast. Then, more recently I was given contrast. I sort of think it might not matter though. I don't know how long the contrast lasts in the body or would be detectable--though if I was given any contrast on the East Coast it would be sort of interesting.

When I was walking the other day while having had problems at the house, even while lying down, this was before I met that man and these stars-satellites lined up. Well anyway, I didn't feel the pressure from what caused the headache and I didn't feel the intensity of the heat, but I did still have sort of a residual burning in my heart and actually, my back. I could feel it like a spot was targeted on my back but then I wondered if I were facing the laptop and there was a problem, if it would penetrate through to the back OR if it was satellite even as I was lying down, it would do this, penetrate through. Because I had this front and back sensation and then by the time I was talking to that man, it all resolved and then I was extremely cold--more cold than usual. I got to the house and I felt fine until I turned on the laptop and immediately felt the burning sensation again so I turned it off.

I can feel it tonight. Someone wasn't doing this all day, but they're doing something with the laptop now.
thinking again. that theory wouldn't hold when it comes to my son. My son has never had contrast and yet he was absolutely tortured when we were having problems first on Methow and then especially in East Wenatchee. So, his responses don't really make sense, when he wasn't affected by contrast,not that this couldn't be used for something else.


  1. Alot of people with mental illness also believe that these kinds of things come through their television or radios, too. So check that out Cameo.

  2. Dear Anonymous,

    I'm glad you have given me a chance to address what would be a common concern or question!

    You're absolutely right--people with mental illness (some) DO speak of odd things happening with technology.

    However, there is a line in distinguishing between actual events and modern technology and someone who is sane but attacked politically and who can prove several years' pattern of harassment and vandalisms prior to these things, and then someone who is not only speaking about odd technologies, but who cannot hold a clear sentence or take care of themselves.

    There is also something to be said for the fact that I met military people on the East Coast and people from the Department of Defense and also the CIA, and they are not interested in "crazy" people. Additionally, many people from other countries, even if people (some) in my own country would deny what's happened, there are very many I met from around the world who are aware of the problems here.

    You cannot call everyone who is persecuted or who is targeted with technology as nuts. And you also have to look at other everyday behavior. Is it that the CONTENT of speech somehow sounds unbelievable? or is it the behavior day in and day out?

    I have none of the traits of mental illness.

    If you prefer that I rephrase, I either have "severe mental illness" OR I have "severe political problems".

    I highly doubt I would be validated by diplomats and intel on the East Coast if I were nuts.

    People know I'm not, and you do as well or you wouldn't have made a point to write in. You sound a lot, to me, like a woman with a grudge.

  3. Oh! I forgot to mention!

    I also have been cleared of severe mental illness from my MRI of my head.

    If someone has paranoid schitzophrenia, it shows up. The brain is altered. Other illnesses are detectable as well and I have
    NONE of the signs of these disorders.

    So the objective evidence concurs with what I am describing.
