Monday, March 15, 2010

Other Things With My Computer (internet explorer)

Well, for the computer nerds, this might be interesting. Maybe one of them could figure this out for me.

The other thing that's been happening with my laptop, for at least one month or more (maybe 2 months?) has nothing to do with the heating stuff.

This has to do with how my laptop starts up and what I have on my screen when I am first trying to get on.

Instead of, as normal, as has been the case my entire life with computers...INSTEAD of being able to get on and having to go to the internet button and click on internet to open one page for google, no matter how I shut my computer down, it will not let me do anything until it has come up with a certain number of pages opened.

Okay, so, if you shut the computer down properly, right? and you turn it on, you have to go to internet explorer to get connected and get an internet page. You click on it once, you'll get one page. If you open a new tab, you have a new tab. If you click again, you can have a second page. Possibly, if you accidentally click too many times, you'll have 1-3 pages open up. Well, mine has been refusing to open up at all until it is set to a specific number, which, coincidentally I've noticed, is the "number" people in THIS town at least, are making a big deal out of.

If "5" is the number I keep hearing over and over and people are bringing up to me, my laptop will not open up explorer until it has opened 5 pages of it. So, I will see, down at the bottom on the toolbar, I will see the "e" symbol for explorer and then "5 internet explorer". If the number is "9" and for whatever reason, all this stuff about "9" is going on (as it has in this town at times), it will only allow me to start typing in a search after 9 pages are opened exactly. When people were bringing up "12", and sort of, I think, relating it to some "12, midnight, fairytale is over" theme, or if I searched about a news article about the queen or anyone royal, I got "12". Sometimes, in the middle of my search this would happen, where I would have 5 pages opened and then I type in "queen elizabeth news" and all of a sudden, I have to wait as something is processing and I can't do anything until 12 pages of internet explorer have popped up. If I was just getting off the phone with Alvaro, or typing him an email, or anything to do with him, "4" would be the number. If I looked up the post pub or anything to do with Chris Dabney, I got "13". If I wrote something about earthquakes or hating the system, or, as I wrote a post about all the bs and how I want to live where everyone is "free", everything was fine with internet explorer until I got to the part about thinking it's bs, and then my computer wouldn't allow me to post anything else or do anything, until it went from like 3 pages of internet explorer up to 10 and then it stopped, and I could finally type something in. I'm still stuck on 10. I think someone thinks that I think "10" is the goodbye-rejected number. I've mentioned this before on my blog and I've had people do some of the worse things while giving me a 10 dollar bill or mentioning 10 and sometimes I don't even care but I can tell someone is saying this because THEY think I do care.

This has been happening with my laptop for about 1-2 months and even if I don't have the overheating or anything else going on that affects me physically, I have this happening, which I think is bizarre. Probably not ALL the time. Sometimes, I ccan just go on and everything is normal and the normal number of pages come up, in accordance with what I type in or click on. But very often, it's been this other thing.

So WHO would do this? I mean, who is sitting at their computer paying attention even? Obviously, someone who is generally following what I write and what I'm looking up online on my laptop, because the numbers have always corresponded to specific topics I search.

I honestly cannot imagine anyone having this much interest or time on their hands unless they were a seriously whacked enemy, or with a gang (more of a corporatte one) or with some military or intel group. It could definitely be a kid, sitting at a computer, but they'd have to be very focused and be following every single detail and have a real interest in TRYING to create a pattern of sorts. It seems, to me, more like something military would do, or gov. I don't know.
Also, this evening or late afternoon I was trying to make a phone call, a 411 call, and I got connected to charter's 411 but the operator said, talking over me, when I could tell she could hear me, "the connection isn't there." and she said this over and over to me. SO I called up again and what do you know? The exact same woman. What are the odds. She did the same thing, when I could tell nothing was wrong. SO I tried a 3rd time and got someone different and yet it sort of sounded like maybe the same call center and I said, "Where is this call center?" and she said, "West Virginia". I said, "That's where the Charter call center is? West Virginia?" The first woman who answered had a Southern accent and this woman didn't. The woman said Charter had call centers all over but that's where she was from.

Also, today I tried to call the Washington licensing department and got a "Mary" who, when I asked if I could have her ID number she said she'd give me her last name initial instead and said, "It's 'P'". She sort of made a big deal about that, and I thought this strange, given the fact my son said in his visit today to put a "P" next to the "O" for Oliver. So then she went on to say, when I asked where or which call center I'd reached, she said, "Blacklake" and then "Olympia". I said, "Huh? WHere is Blacklake?" and she said, "West of Seattle" and I said, "I thought you said you were in Olympia." and then she said, yes, she was in Olympia but Blacklake was nearby.

And then I noticed all these people out today, wearing black and putting black over other things they were wearing too, and wondered if this was the reason blacklake was even mentioned. My landlord did the same thing and when I went to the store, everyone, tons of people who were on the sidewalk, were wearing black. I was really harassed on that walk. Seriously. I wrote some plates down and all these people were waving "bye" in a not good way or sadistically.

Then I got to a different guy because Mary disconnected me, if I remember correctly, and then I was talking to someone else, a man, who answered my questions and then transfered me over to the Dept. of Revenue. The advice sounded good but I'm actually scared, at this point, to take anyone's advice, even the Dept of Revs advice, over the phone. He said I didn't need a business license for consulting if I made less than $12,000 which sounded right but I'm still nervous to just go with this. But he said, if you're selling tangible goods, you have to have a license but not if you're selling services.

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