Saturday, March 20, 2010

people not trustworthy

i sometimes wonder what it is that people tell my parents, to make them go along with things. twice in the past they advised me to do something one way and if i had gone along, i would have had horrible problems. they were trying others, who told them there was no other way and that i had done something wrong. bascially trying to make me out to be a scapegoat. i didn't listen, and saved myself and if i had not done this, nothing would have been saved at all. i KNEW, myself, what the truth was, and the evidence.

so then i am back to the same thing where for some reason my parents have thought my former lawyer was helping me. they never thought so, and didn't like him at all, until he phoned them. as soon as he did, he was in with them. they suddenly, in the course of one conversation, thought he was a good guy. instead of listening to me, they trusted the flattery of someone who i could tell i wasn't able to trust after the 1st month, after a row of broken promises and seeing how he was deliberately helping the state and trying to bury me.

same thing with the other workers. i think my mother actually likes marie and michelle and tried to say about marie "she's a christian!" when she was acting anything but and lying in documents and trying to cause me to miss the bus to visit my son. then with michelle, michelle has bent over backwards to lie in ways i would have thought unimaginable, and my mom somehow thinks she's okay.

they never look at the real evidence. they just believe anyone who speaks to them in a sympathetic, flattering way.

it's really horrible that some are so decieved in this manner, that they trust and believe in those who are so sweet on the surface and who are lying and wrecking havoc in reality. satan doesn't come wearing horns and a pitchfork tail. the parable is that he is beautiful and sweet, like an a messenger of light. i personally feel like the cordelia, who may not always say the right thing or what people WANT to hear, but who is at least genuine and soft at heart.

it may be true they are not "the worst" but if not, they should have gone to authorities long ago. i personally cannot find any excuse at all for what has been written and said about me, which is untrue. i also think it's very clear michelle has personal problems with me that have interferred with her ability to think objectively or clearly and it has ruined any chance for my son's advocacy. she is hung up, and has been hung up, over "blowjob michelle" enough to lie and perjure herself in court documents to get back at me, not even caring about my son at all. it's been all about her, and her own wounded ego and how she is going to get revenge.

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