Saturday, March 20, 2010

Phone problems

I have still been having problems with my phone service. Yesterday, I was making a call and instead of getting the business I called, there was a cut and then "Talk Time! Meet new and exciting people..." a whole ad for some personals talk and chat group. The number I dialed was nothing close.

Then today I tried calling this one woman about a place and when I did, she answered like normal and then there was a loud fax beep on top of it, over it. She said she had a fax but it was connected to the same line and that it had never happened before. So I called her back and then she was saying she did a credit check that cost $50. I have never heard of such a thing. I don't know anyone in the whole town who charges that much. It was just a waste of time to talk to her.

Then I called 411 and the phone just rang and rang and rang forever. All it did was ring. It wouldn't connect to anything.

So I hung up and then I got connected to someplace God knows where and I kept asking if the call center was prison or jail, because that's where it sounded like I'd landed. She said I had reached the "East Coast" and wouldn't give me the state name for "security reasons". I said, "There is no security issue in giving out what STATE your call center is connected to." I contacted Charter, who then got ahold of me, and said there is no law against it. First I got a "Denise" and then the supervisor was "Elizabeth" who was acting so bizarre (it was like an act, and she enunciated she was ELIZABETH in an odd manner and then I could hear her scribbling away loudly on paper and she was doing this off and on) and then I was talking to "Dina" online on charter at the same time. "Dina" kept telling me they would have to charge me more for a service to make "international" calls.

Twice today, I've had people bringing up international phone service.

So then I called again, 411 again, and it was almost like I'd called the very same center but I don't know, and when I asked which one it was she said, "Fort Worth Base Call Center." I said, "This is a military base? a call center at a military base?" and she said no, that's just what the call center was named.

The other woman, "Elizabeth", was telling me they were "contracted" and for "security reasons" could not give out their "location".
Thank you for choosing Charter Chat Live! A Customer Care representative from Telephone Support will be with you shortly.
You have been connected to TTD Dina .
TTD Dina : Thank you for contacting the Charter Communications Support Team. My name is Dina. How may I help you today?
cam garrett: yes i'd like to know how many call centers there are, with charter 411
TTD Dina : Unforrunately, we don't have that type of information here in our database.
cam garrett: do you have a way of finding out?
TTD Dina : Unfortunately, no.
cam garrett: i was just told there is a fort worth base call center. is charter contracted with military?
TTD Dina : No.
cam garrett: have you heard of a fort worth base?
TTD Dina : No. We only support Charter services and billing concerns.
TTD Dina : May I have your services or billing concern?
cam garrett: well this woman from charter 411 just told me i had reached the fort worth base call center
cam garrett: so what does that mean?
cam garrett: my services concern is that i'm getting some strange answers from charter people
cam garrett: when i called charter 411 she said i had reached the fort worth base call center
cam garrett: so WHY did a charter rep say this? and where is this center, if it exists?
TTD Dina : What is the number you dialled?
cam garrett: i dialed 411
cam garrett: and i got this woman who said "charter directory services" (or assistance or soemthing)
cam garrett: and then when i asked which call center i'd reached, that's what she said
TTD Dina : That is actually for the directory assistance number. You can reach our Charter representatives by calling 1-888-438-2427.
cam garrett: okay, but she said "charter 411" so she said it was for charter
cam garrett: don't you have 411 through charter?
TTD Dina : Yes. The Directory Assistance (411) is managed by live agents. If you want to be connected to our representatives over the phone, instead of dialling the 411, please dial 1-888-438-2427.
cam garrett: i feel like you're skirting the issue. but let me explain...i was calling 411 and these operators kept telling me it was CHARTER directory assistance and then when I asked what state or call center i'd reached, i was told they couldn't tell me for "security reasons"
TTD Dina : That is possible. We may have different policies.
TTD Dina : Do you have other concerns aside from that?
cam garrett: where are these 411 operators coming from? if you don't know, i'd like to talk to a supervisor bc i have to take this to the fcc
TTD Dina : Sure. Please hold.
cam garrett: (no threat to charter, just a host of problems i'm having to document and it may very well havnothing to do with charter)
TTD SUPERVISOR - Madison has entered the session.
TTD Dina has left the session.
TTD SUPERVISOR - Madison : Hi! This is Madison, Dina's supervisor. How can i help you?
cam garrett: who employs the charter 411 operators. where are these call centers or how many of them in general, and who is contracted with charter to take these calls
TTD SUPERVISOR - Madison : Hi Cam! I am not able to answer your question since I don't have a specific location on where they are at.
cam garrett: i want to know how many call centers there are
cam garrett: how many call centers are there for charter 411 services? it's a simple question
TTD SUPERVISOR - Madison : I can't give you an exact number with regards to your question. But if they're saying that they are based in Forth Worth, then that I assume is in Texas.
TTD SUPERVISOR - Madison : That is not a military base. We also have a call center in Texas.
cam garrett: they all sound like they are in jail. the fort worth center did not say "fort worth" she said "Fort Worth BASE"
cam garrett: who has a call center in texas?
cam garrett: charter 411?
TTD SUPERVISOR - Madison : Charter Communications.
cam garrett: is that where the 411 calls might go? to one of many of these cc offices?
TTD SUPERVISOR - Madison : I can be sure of that. I really don't have the details of all the call centers that we have.
cam garrett: okay, you found the center in texas. which town in texas is it located?
TTD SUPERVISOR - Madison : Rest assured that the people who answers the calls are from Charter and not somebody from prison.
cam garrett: i might prefer prison
cam garrett: which town in texas?
TTD SUPERVISOR - Madison : I can't give you the specific address if that is what you're asking for.
cam garrett: i didn't ask for a specific address. i asked what town
TTD SUPERVISOR - Madison : I'm not also sure which town they are at.
cam garrett: who can i talk to that would give me the information about where these centers are located?
cam garrett: i would like to have a list please
cam garrett: and have it sent to my email address
TTD SUPERVISOR - Madison : You can try by calling us. Have you also asked the person who answered your 411 call?
cam garrett: yes and i got the base comment and the security issue questions

1 comment:

  1. The industrial-technological system may survive or it may break
    down. If it survives, it MAY eventually achieve a low level of
    physical and psychological suffering, but only after passing through a
    long and very painful period of adjustment and only at the cost of
    permanently reducing human beings and many other living organisms to
    engineered products and mere cogs in the social machine. Furthermore,
    if the system survives, the consequences will be inevitable: There is
    no way of reforming or modifying the system so as to prevent it from
    depriving people of dignity and autonomy.
