Sunday, March 21, 2010

Psychic Reading Response

I got a call about doing a reading, and I'll keep the session confidential but I'm excited to do it. We'll see if they show up. However, I was pointed torwards a site about a guy on the East Coast who does dreams and remote viewing and does it without charging anything. I read it over and it sounds cool.

I definitely agree with writing things down from dreams. I wish I were not so lazy sometimes and wrote down more. Some of the details are so detailed, specific names or dates, and then I don't write it down and forget and maybe it would mean something--but I appreciate how he presents things...that most dreams are just random dreams but some come true.

He used to be in the military and his father was, Army, so I don't know why he feels he has government people trying to discredit him but there are believers and also skeptics I guess.

I like how he doesn't charge anything but is trying to work on his gift. This is what I would like to do eventually, but I might need a little help or encouragement getting started and right now, being paid a little for my time also helps me and my son. I put more than 50% of my earnings into my son whenever I can, which is why I end up short for things for myself most of the time. I think a lot of parents are like that, though, they want to give all they can, from their hearts, to their children.
I watched 6 episodes of Bewitched and now watching more. I was thinking, after reading Kitty's book, Samantha looks like ...

I am looking for the book and it's not here. It appears someone took the Kitty book and I hope it is returned because it's a library book. I was going to look up the name of this blond who is in a photo, a friend of Philips, who looks like Samantha, with the pert little nose.

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