Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Response To "Psychic Enquirer" and Computer Overworking

I wrote back and forth with this woman who chose not to be very forthcoming and after I sent my final reply to her, this ad pops up about "don't get burned" and on and on, at the same time this computer starts overheating and causing problems.

The woman who said she was a drug and alcohol counselor, I just wanted to be able to scientifically verify what I could, to be as logical as possible, and tested as possible, and then she tells me she's a mental health counselor with catholic services. she is also a drug and alcohol counselor, so she said and i don't know what location and wouldn't identify this if i even could. she said it's for dual diagnosis but why is someone from mental health contacting me anyway? I am not questioning her, but I question what the direction is that some want to take this, or take ME for that matter. she was saying she's an all out witch and doesn't hide it and practices wicca and I know any catholic services place isn't going to be okay with that. So then I just wondered if it was that someone wanted to try to pull out what they thought "the witch" was in me, to try to see if I practice things in a different way than I say I do. I don't know. I don't know who is sincere and good hearted or not. the other woman who came to me was also from a catholic family but claims she was not very religious but it just makes me wonder why the people who are instantly asking questions, I don't know.

I don't care what background someone has, whether it's catholic or protestant or muslim or atheist or's okay with me to have total skeptics and non-believers too. But I have to feel like I can get at least honesty out of it. Like, allow me to confirm and validate whatever is possible to confirm and validate. Let me know when I'm wrong or right, honestly, on things that I cannot confirm with tangible fact. I trust my insticts to great degree but it's only logical and right to test it in a scientific way too. So I don't mind what someone's beliefs are, it's just when I don't understand what the motive is--

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