Thursday, March 18, 2010

Proof HERE Of Defamation from CPS Report (quote)

Here is what I have just now discovered, to give you an idea of how badly I am being defamed and WHY I'm having problems getting my son back. I am going to type and quote directly from this latest "report" put out by Michelle Erickson and some name I don't recognize. It doesn't look like Jennifer Godfrey and I was told she was the only one on this case, so this is someone new I haven't even been informed about. The signature sort of looks like "Gerbuck" or something. Here's a sample. In the section where it says "Ms. Garrett shall abstain from illicit substances and will not use prescription medication without her doctor's orders and will not use alcohol."

CPS writes, and lies in a way that YOU, anyone who reads my blog, can even confirm:

"According to Ms. Garrett's blog she has continued to use alcohol and marijuana during this reporting period. It appears that she continues to seek narcotic drugs at the local Emergency Room as well. Ms. Garrett has also indicated on her blog that she was taking a prescription medication not prescribed to her. Ms. Garrett has still not shown proof that she was prescribed the Hydrocodone and Oxycodone that she had a dirty UA for in the Spring/Summer of 2009."

SEE! This is only ONE very small, small, part of the lies being written, and they can be proven FALSE and yet my lawyers have kept me from even seeing what's been written.

Nowhere do I write in my blog that I've been taking marijuana. Nowhere. I do not even write that I was taking alcohol but speak about the properties of liquor. So, the most striking part, is they flat out lie when they write that "according to Ms. Garrett's blog..." and claim I have said I'm using pot.

Then, they go on to claim that I am "seeking narcotic drugs at ER". This is totally defamatory because I HAVE to go to ER for my migraines and the only treatment which works is 1 shot of ergotamine and 2 vicodin. That is not "drug seeking", that is getting treatment for migraine, which I am diagnosed with and have a history of. So they lie and defame me again as being some kind of addict.

Then they write that I claimed I was taking a medication not prescribed to me. They write THIS but conveniently leave OUT how the very next post says I never DID take anything and it wasn't true. They ALSO had me go in for a UA at this time and nothing turned up, so they have, or I have, evidence I never took anything, and that what I wrote wasn't true. They KNOWINGLY defamed me. They are reading each and every post and know what I wrote but they are selectively deciding what PARTS of my blog to add to their reports and then they're making things up as well.

Finally, they write "Ms. Garrett has still not shown proof she was prescribed..." and they go back to an old "dirty UA" which Michelle claimed she never got records for. I called that clinic and that clinic told me Marie Scanlon (who works with Michelle) obtained that evidence in April of last year. They have the request scanned in, and sent them the information, but Michelle has been lying in reports and to the court about not having "evidence it was prescribed" ever since.

So this is just one extremely small sample, and I can prove almost every line is a lie and support myself against these claims with evidence, but the lawyer I've had for 5 months has never gone over ANY of this with me. Not ONCE and just claimed there was nothing that bad in it and it's just a report that's the same.

He knows and now I know, I should have been responding to each and every one of these so-called reports.

I also think the woman, the other one who signed off on this is a "Lisa Sterbeck?" or something. I think this because I can't remember her last name, but last night and the night before, I got an image of her face very clearly, as being partly responsible for things happening at CPS. I didn't know what, but I just saw her face.

All of these things, are things I can fight or could have proven false, and could prove the lies are intentional and malicious. It has been done knowingly. Because my lawyer has done nothing, this case has been severely prejudiced and possibly, if I lose my son over this, it would be irreparable harm. It would not only be irreparable harm from prejudice that could have been OBVIOUSLY prevented, I can easily show how these people have knowingly lied and made fabrications, aggregious ones. When someone just defames someone because they don't know the truth, it's simple defamation. When someone defames someone, knowing all along that it is NOT true and that the lies will cause harm, it is not just "bad faith", it is intentional infliction of emotional distress.

Believe me, it gets even worse. You should see the things they've written. Almost ALL of it is really horrible lies. But at least I put down just a very small sample so that anyone who reads my blog can see for themselves how malicious this is.
They claim they want me to see this woman for counseling too, and I just looked her up and the woman sounds like an idiot, and not only that, she's primarily a "marriage counselor". Yeah, because that's what I need! a fucking marriage therapist. I'm about to piss my pants.

Here I am, suffering from, if ANYTHING, some PTSD from very serious things like, oh hey, being poisoned for one,and having my son removed from me without cause for another, and they want me to go to some woman who does "marriage, couples, and family counseling".

I don't need "marriage" counseling and I don't need "couples" counseling, and I don't need "family" counseling. After reading some of this report though, I would think some of the lies my family has made about me, in concert with these state workers, I think, would be great grounds for them having counseling.

Oh, and they claim Marie Wilkes refuses to see me until I have been "medicated" by a psychiatrist first. HAAAHAAAA. what a bunch of BS. This woman hasn't even met me and she is already a fucking prejudiced bitch. I hope her counseling business fails. I need to find out what college she went to.

I just found out she's not even a psychologist. She has a master's in education. A P.E. teacher could do what she's doing and she's not even licensed but only registered AND she's been in this area since 1988 so I'm sure she's a trusted standby for doing people in this town favors. Oh, and BONUS, she counsels gay, lesbian and bisexuals so I'm sure to fit right in. That's just what I need. A marriage and couples counselor who addresses gay issues. On one hand, yeah, sure, I am "different" in my own way, but my issues are not about sexual identity or marriage. And obviously, if she's so prejudiced she demands I be medicated and following a "psychiatrists orders" before seeing her, she has zero appreciation for anything creative or spiritual.

If I had any issues at all, to discuss with someone, it would be how to get a decent lawyer in a fucked up town.

1 comment:

  1. "This woman hasn't even met me and she is already a fucking prejudiced bitch. I hope her counseling business fails."

    Wow. You haven't even met her and you've already formed an opinion about her and calling her names? Ironic much? And just because someone specializes in a form of theraphy doesn't mean that you need those specific services.

    You really aren't doing yourself any favors with this blog. You come across as angry, beligerent, and much like a child throwing a tantrum. Why would anyone want to help someone who's already cussing them out?
