Friday, March 5, 2010

Seattle FBI Defamation Likely

I have realized, with some of the bizarre behavior or responses of the Seattle FBI (not with all persons there, but people who stood in the way when I tried to make normal headway), that some of the defamation of my character, to Canada, must have come from the FBI.

I have no idea why I didn't think of it before.

I kept thinking "state officials" might just be Wenatchee workers and maybe a few officers here locally, but if they were claiming I had absconded with my son or kidnapped him or anything (which I'd not done), I THINK the FBI would have been involved.

So, if this is true, if there is defamation about me that is stemming from the FBI, there would be an extremely strong incentive to insist, all the way around, that I am mentally ill. Not just with the FBI, but with the Department of Justice.

Which would probably explain why I've had the kind of response I had in Seattle and how I've had zero help with the situation with my son. It may even be that someone from the FBI was involved with bad things that happened to me and my son, and that then when we left, they got involved to help cover for it. It could be something else too, but regardless, they haven't wanted to be involved with me whether I'm right or wrong, and I am thinking, this is looking more and more like...

Well, like there is a strong motive with more than one group to defame me and then try to destroy any evidence which would clear my name in ANY way.

I don't think some of these people want me to ever obtain any discovery on what was done or said about me, and who was involved. I think it would shine a light on a few things.

It might also explain why the OIG department refuses to even respond to my simple questions.

Before anything really bad happened, I was trying to get FOIA. Then, I was also calling the OIG and trying to find out what to do.

I'm sure other things came into play, but I never had the Seattle FBI on my side, in any way, for this reason. I am also remembering the response of some of the Canadian guards, to me when I brought up the FBI. They didn't buy anything I said, except when I said something about having had some problems with the FBI, they halted in their steps. I'm sure they might not have known it could have been coming originally from a whole other source, but they were stunned enough to ask a few times, and I am THINKING, maybe this hit a chord because they KNEW that I was being bad-mouthed and they wondered why. They also wondered why all the excitement over me and my son, and couldn't believe how much time, attention, and money was going into tracking ME down. It wasn't normal. I was told it was completely out of the ordinary--all of the drama and insistence over me and my son.

Someone on the East Coast said maybe leave the FBI alone because I needed someone on my side, and couldn't go about everything, but I have mainly just been interested in what's been said about ME, and there has been so much harassment over it, and stonewalling, it is enough to cause some concern.

The main grounds for even "political asylum", in ANY country, is being able to PROVE one has been harassed and persecuted with full knowledge of police or government and that persons there have either contributed or have refused to help or respond to problems with me and my child.

If I can prove, with documentation, that I was ignored or my son was ignored, when we were trying to get help or even information about my person, AND if someone can prove being jailed on false arrest, as I have been, especially more than once, it shows a pattern of problems which are not being addressed.

In a large country, one has to prove you moved and tried out a new location. If problems persist, after moving a couple of times, it shows it is not just a localized problem but has become a larger problem which government persons are not handling or are even interferring with.

I'm sure there has been newer interest in me, by some persons in the U.S., but it doesn't work in the sense that you get to use me but you fail to provide support and a normal chance for me and my son. What I have seen has been no give and all take. I know some people have tried and are trying, but with so many other people doing their best to harm me and my son and claim I'm mentally ill, it doesn't look good.

That's my opinion.

I suppose it has crossed my mind, this idea that I was somehow defamed by them to Canada, but now I really think so. I don't mean all of them, but it has to have been certain key persons who really wanted to get involved and be a part of that.

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