Sunday, March 28, 2010

Someone Poured Perm Solution Down My Son's Throat

I went to the homeless place and talked with some people and had lunch with them, after first leaving a note about having a place for someone short term, that was safe.

I found out from someone who was there, that what happened to my son had been talked about on the street and in the park and that some guys held my son down and poured perm solution down his throat.

That's not all that has happened to my son either. But not one person in law enforcement has done one single thing about any of it. To my knowledge, no surveillance, nothing.

People on the street know about things that have happened to my son. They talk about it and it spreads, and I have made a ton of complaints about things happening to my son and how it's obvious, and how people are blocking me from documenting anything. Most likely, intimidating the Avilas as well. I don't think the Avila's would do this to my son, but I do believe that if someone with a lot of power told them to keep their mouths shut or they'd lose my son, they would.

I also know my son has been brainwashed, just like I said, to do and say certain things and some of those things are not things my aunt and uncle would come up with.

I am thankful for those people down there at the homeless shelter, because I tried to give them respect, the same that I would want, and maybe some of them feel that in return, they will share with me.

I will keep anything and everything confidential. And actually, the guy who told me about the perm solution and my son being held down when it was done, he wasn't even in the homeless place but just outside for a little while near it and then left.

But I have monitors and people in state offices colluding to prevent me from documenting the things my son says during visits. They keep me from photographing too.

God bless the poor and may the weak be strong.


  1. And if they did do that, what is the motive?

  2. He's still alive, isn't he? Having perm solution poured down his throat would kill him. I have no doubt nothing like that happened. Of course, homeless people are the best source of information (not!).

  3. The only thing I'm going to comment on, is your gross assumption about "homeless people".

    "Homeless people" abounded during the great depression and if you didn't know, Audrey Hepburn, star of so many classic movies, found herself homeless and starving, literally, at one point.

    "Homeless people" have made some of the best spies around the world, for every nation, and have been some of the most outstanding and sacrificial individuals you would ever meet--willing to sacrifice their reputation, their dignity, their appearance, and maybe even their teeth, and romance and family life as well, in order to get close to sources without detection, with no one thinking there was anything important "upstairs".

    "Homeless people" are single and divorced mothers who choose freedom over financial stability and who are penalized by society for doing so.

    "Homeless people" are men who have been abused or who were wrongly convicted for something they didn't do and haven't been able to find a decent job ever since someone tried to tear their life apart.

    "Homeless people" are people from other countries, trying to get by to make a better life for their families, willing to put all their money torwards those they love rather than a nice apartment or house.

    "Homeless people" are retired military and vets who drink too much but who, when not drinking, are a formidable source of brainpower and maybe compassion too.

    Of course, you might not know that, because instead of being a homeless person, you're someone who lived at home with your mom and dad far too long, or settled for a lousy romance to make ends meet because you're a settler, or got married young and have never known what it's like to be on your own, or got a job at Applebees where you'll be working for the rest of your life, mocking the "homeless people" who put you to shame.
