Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Surrogate Business! (to relieve Wenatchee baby snatchers)

Wow. Of all things. I was really excited because I met someone today who is the first recruit! for surrogacy! so I'm very happy about it and she sounds great. Won't say anything more about her but it happened so fast!

I am really doing this!

I found out laws in Washington might have changed but last week were knocked down so I guess there is room in this state, or a need I can still fill, by finding and interviewing people from Washington, women, who would like to be surrogates out of state for families (which is also where WA intended parents go, typically).

I have to make sure everything is legal along the way, but it looks like I can do this.

I called an attorney today so I can get more specifics but I'll do my own research too so everything is okay and ready to go.

I'm acting as consultant for surrogate women in Washington and she has enough intended parents but I wonder if I should also be open to consulting with independent parents because they are having to go out of state right now, as it is, if they want a surrogate. So I'm thinking about it.

There must be a need, because when I was pregnant with my son, I was approached by Sylvana, who works at Worksource and with CPS, and she was trying to convince me not to keep my child because she said it needed "a mother and father". I was also approached by a Wenatchee woman whose husband was an attorney in town and she just followed me around, saying she really wanted a girl. I had already told people I was having a girl because that's what the ultrasound woman told me, and thank god she got it wrong.

Why? Because I had a whole line up of people who decided they wanted MY girl.

So this woman came into the library after I was there, and asked about my baby and when I was due and then said she wanted a girl and they'd pay for everything and I could work in their office if I wanted to give it up. I said I had no intentions of giving my child up but I would certaintly work in their office. I never heard from her after that.

Then my son was born and not just one person was more than PISSED at ME, thinking I had been "withholding" something from them. They were all expecting a girl and thought I'd intentionally misled them. The people waiting to take my baby out of my arms (and they DID try to do this to me at the hospital) were all waiting for a girl and when it was a boy, they weren't quite as anxious or prepared.

Bless God for small mistakes and blessings.

So, maybe instead of trying to STEAL babies from single mothers or poorer mothers, to meet the adoption demand, these people could think about surrogacy instead. It's not quite as cheap of course, as trying to get a "repo" baby from the state, but it should do just fine.

I want money to be dammed up from these state offices as I open my doors and support not just single mothers and their rights, but legitimate and honest and upfront surrogacy for all kinds of families. And I don't believe in exploitation either--I feel that just like nanny work, any work involving children at any stage of life, should be most highly paid.

I will tone down, but right now, I think I have a right to be pissed off. First I had people trying to take my kid before he was even born, and then, I had people trying to take him because they were worried about who knows what, and my son has suffered. These people don't want my aunt and uncle to have him either. They just want another kid up for adoption.

At any rate, I'm very happy to be helping moms to be able to get paid and stay at home with their own children, for some extra income. I think it's great and if there is anything I can do, in the future, to increase rates for them, and still have them in demand, I will. It is something that helps a lot of people and it's upfront and honest to begin with.

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